What was that moment of rage that changed your life?

  1. Can’t say rage has ever been a great tool for personal growth, I think it’s more of a movie trope than anything else.

  2. I put a hole in my wall when I threw my phone at my couch.

    It was kind of the the wake-up call I needed that I had to get my mental health checked.

  3. That moment when that heavy ass riff drops in the beginning of “killing in the name” and the mosh pit went berserk

    Edit sp

  4. I was in an argument with a girl I was dating and I threw a fit of rage. Started punching the steering wheel. Went full chimpanzee.

    She stopped fighting with me instantly and started rubbing my back.

    Ever since that moment, I try my best to be present and self aware when I’m angry to never let it devolve to such an apeish state again, and I’m grateful she had the compassion and wherewithal to empathize.

  5. It was rage at myself. I had been going through a series of rough patches in life, and things weren’t going my way. I stopped to think about why those things were happening, and the more I reflected on it, the more I realized most of it was my fault. I had been just kind of “letting life happen” instead of taking charge and making the changes I needed to make. I felt so enraged at myself that I ended up breaking a TV set as I went on a tirade around my first apartment. But since that moment I’ve never let myself take a sideseat, I’ve been in control the whole way and never had to feel that rage again.

  6. I was driving past a concrete and aggregate company and one of the concrete trucks pulled out. He went to the right hand lane and I was in left lane. Another truck in the right hand lane started over into the left lane forcing me into on coming traffic. There was, all at one moment, 5 vehicles side by side in four lanes and no divider. No one was injured but I was PISSED. I got so angry my neck locked up. It was amazingly painful. I pulled over in gas station parking lot to recover. It was illuminating at just how pissed I had gotten when no damage was done, and no injuries incurred.

  7. I blew up at my wife out of nowhere over a minor frustration, scared the shit out of her, then broke down crying. Middle of covid, mental health was at its nadir, but I hadn’t acknowledged to myself that I was struggling until it suddenly boiled over. Made me realize I needed to take better care of myself and my mind, for the sake of my loved ones if nothing else.

  8. I went on this marijuna binge and … umm did all this other shit i wont say on here .. ( basically a emotional breakdown ) ummm called 911 thinking i was dying ..

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