Not sure if anyone knows the Swiss educational system, but let’s say a youth has one of the above diplomas, could he attend a US college/university if he meets all the other requirements, e.g., passing admissional tests or whatever. Would the mentioned diplomas be sufficient?

  1. If you’re currently in school, I imagine your academic advisor would be a good place to start. You aren’t the first Swiss person to be interested in studying at a US university.

    You can also contact the schools you’re interested in attending directly. Most of them have international students and will have websites set up with the basic information.

  2. We Definitely have a lot of international students that come here to study whether it’s one semester or a for college in its entirety but that is for more college to college transfer as opposed to an apprenticeship.

    Your best bet is that if your country has trade programs especially ones that are nationwide then to talk to a counselor or a representative and see if their is any opportunities for international work/studies.

    I’ve only had experience with semester long ones and that was a college to another college so not sure how much I can help but good luck !

  3. “A” US university, probably yes. We don’t have a single national admissions process, every university/university system has their own admissions requirements. The University of Michigan is different than Western Michigan University is different from Kalamazoo College.

    Admissions are complicated, there’s no “admissional test”. We do have a few standardized tests (ACT/SAT) that many universities accept as part of your overall application, but everything from your grades in your high school to participation in extra curricular activities (band, drama, sports) is considered.

    Start with whatever advisor/counselor program your school has and go from there or figure out what it is you want to study, research what US schools are known for that, and contact their admissions.

  4. Working off basic first principles of “universities like money” and “international students pay full tuition” the answer is almost certainly yes, he could absolutely attend *some* university here.

    Each university is in charge of its own admissions, so it will depend on the institution.

  5. Any college? Yes absolutely

    A good college? Maybe

    A great college? No. Absolutely not.

    Go to a community College in a midsized city, get your grades up then go to a full university. Spend your time at cc figuring out exactly where and for what you want to go to school.

  6. Prob not.

    It needs to be the equivalent of a HS diploma from Switzerland. So you might be missing some math, lab science, etc if you try to apply to US colleges w a vocational diploma.

    Also we don’t have admissions tests here.

  7. Sure. Most states have one or two prestige public universities, and a handful of perfectly good, smaller state universities.

    Figure what region you are interested in, then check out those schools. Florida is very different from Montana is very different from Rhode Island is very different from Arizona.

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