So I just got out of a relationship of 7-8 months and it was a rather healthier break up. We broke up bc we saw diff futures for ourselves but we agreed that we didn’t want to lose the other from our lives. I’ve heard that staying friends with an ex is a big no no due to feelings getting in the way but I honestly feel like there’s a sense in maturity of being friendly with an ex and supporting them from a far vs never speaking to them again. And if it is acceptable, when would it be an appropriate amount of time to text to catch up?

  1. I’m friends with 1 of my 4 exes. Sometimes it works but that’s only a 25% success rate so don’t be surprised if something comes up later.

  2. I’ve been friends with a few for more than 20 years…so, yeah. It does sometimes have rough or awkward moments, especially in the first few years but it is definitely doable

  3. For women it is, but for men not so much. I personally don’t like the idea of having such a person lingering in my life there is no real benefit to it only more downsides.

    Your future GF or BF could feel insecure because of something your ex does. I have seen ex’s try and sabotage relationships for petty reasons like not liking the other person when the relationship doesn’t include them.

  4. Usually friendships with exes work best when both former partners are in healthy relationships with other people.

  5. I think it’s fine. But once you or ex get serious with someone else, it would be a bad idea to still hang out.

  6. I think it’s fine to be friends with your ex. Most people would argue otherwise though. Personally I wouldn’t call my exes my friends but I also haven’t cut them out of my life. Usually life gets in the way anyway and people move on naturally. With one of my exes, we just text about food recommendations then catch up every once in a while. As long as you set boundaries and make your intentions clear, I don’t see the problem.

  7. If you’re both mature enough about it, why not. There might be a weird period initially where you both fall into prior couple habits, but that’s something you’ll have to navigate.

    But if your future partner(s) is uncomfortable with having them in your lives, you need to be ready to cease contact. Be sure to communicate this to your ex if it’s something you’re willing to do for a future partner.

    Not everyone has the same attitude towards staying friends with ex’s and you only have to search a little on Reddit for many cheating stories involving ex’s and best friends.

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