Hello, I (23M) have been with my girlfriend (20F) for almost 3 years. I love her a lot and can’t imagine spending my future with anyone else.

Now, my girlfriend is from the Netherlands, but we live together in New York. She moved to the US when she was 9 years old. This summer, we’ll be together for 3 years, and we’re going on vacation to the Netherlands (my first time there). She is always talking about her childhood and she’s a very nostalgic person. She also loves the city where she was born a lot (she goes there at least once a year with her family) I was thinking of proposing when we are visiting that city. We’ll be going with my twin brother and his girlfriend. My girlfriend and his girlfriend are best friends, so we’ll both be surrounded by people we love

But I also have another idea; The town she moved to when she came to the US has a spot with a really small waterfall surrounded by trees rocks and plants. Whenever we visit her parents she takes me into town and also to that spot. It’s truly beautiful and she once said it’s her favorite spot in the world. I was also thinking of going there and proposing there

My friends told me I should propose the way that feels right, but they both feel right. I also talked about it with her dad and he said that he likes both the ideas. How can I decide?

  1. Ask someone from her family for help so you can pick a good place to do it in the Netherlands. Then wait 3 years because you’re way too young to be doing this.

  2. Sounds great, but if you want to do it close to the water, definitely don’t put out the ring there. Otherwise you will get engaged to the waterfall when the ring takes a dive.

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