How much gym helped you in after marriage life?

  1. When I got divorced I hit the gym six times a week and it really helped me to get my mind off of things as well as help me lose the 35 lb I’ve gained during my marriage.

    Now years later I have replaced going to the gym that often with playing disc golf and though I might not look as good, I am a lot happier mentally. Now if I could just find the motivation to go back to the gym, I could be that much better of a disc golfer.

  2. Got rid of some annoying back pain that had been around for most of my 20s. 10/10 would recommend it.

    In the bedroom, I’ve noticed being physically active is good for my sex drive. My wife also likes my physique more when I lift and run. Which, duh. She’ll never admit it though lol.

  3. Not married but dating for a long time. Sex life definitely improved; being able to throw your partner around effortlessly is pretty great lol. There’s also much more sexual tension in public. Feeling up my arms discreetly, squeezing my lats when we hug, making quiet comments, etc. One of the main reasons I lift is because of what it does to my girlfriend lol

  4. None. After 40, it’s mostly just keeping the heart healthy with cardio, and/or just doing yardwork suffices. Couldn’t give a shit less about being “swol” or gains or any of that other shit…. I just wanna be in shape enough for my body to hurt less.

  5. My sex drive is higher when I work out regularly. It gives me an outlet for frustration so I don’t dump my emotions on my wife every day, and my clothes fit better when I work out. It can also be a source of frustration as I was at the gym 4-6 days a week when my wife and I started dating but now I can’t just leave my wife home alone 4-6 nights a week.

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