I decided to finally post pictures of myself on social media for the first time ever. I don’t like social media, I’m not one of those people who posts photos of themselves at wine gardens and baby showers, I genuinely with a passion hate doing this and every bone in my body resisted it but I understood that part of the dating process can involve having a good social media profile. I posted some pictures of myself at lunch, and I got some likes from local woman and woman I added from tinder. If any woman whether its local or I added from tinder likes my Instagram post, would it be wise to dm them?

  1. It’s honestly 50-50. Some people like any photo that comes onto their feed. Others will think “oh nice photo” and like it. Others only like photos with the intention of giving subtle hits. It’s so hard to tell. Best thing to do is just go for it. It’s not like you’re friends with them so you have nothing to lose but asking them out.

  2. It is all up to you. Yes, you can dm a girl who likes your post on Instagram. No, you don’t have to and just move on a see it as a regular “like.”

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