This is a legit question. Do you ever get asked by ladies to send a photo of it? Like straight out. I’m recently divorced and back in dating and I’ve gotten at least 3 asks for my dick in the past two weeks.

Edit: to all the bros sending me DMs you boys are THIRSTY. I’m asking the question because I want to know of other men’s’ experiences while dating in the 2020’s. Also, I’m a very heterosexual man. Hard pass.

  1. Only once but I think it’s more common among girls that strictly want hook ups

  2. no and my dick is really cool too

    Also I have a teaching license, so I’m not a dumbass. This really should apply to a lot of professional jobs tho

    Idk why my fellow bros ask for nudes tbh. Is internet porn not good enough for you?

  3. I bet is mostly guys catfishing most girls really don’t care about your penis

  4. Never once been asked, and wouldn’t send if I was asked. If we are in a relationship and she asked then I would.

  5. Actually yes lol. I don’t just send one like hey look at my cock. But if they wanna see it, I show it 😉

  6. I have never ever once Sent an unsolicited dick pic. I’ve been asked a handful of times to send them, but otherwise I think it’s super weird makes you seem way too thirsty.

  7. I’ve been asked once and I told them I don’t do that. I’m not sending you a pic so you can show all your friends

  8. No, in fact almost every women I’ve spoke to about says it doesn’t really do anything for them. I think guys have a twisted perception of it since they are turned on when a girl sends nudes so they must think the same is true for women, it’s not

    I’m married now and none of my friends would send dick pics, I never have, I don’t really see the point of it.

    I do have one female friend who will request them every now and then from guys she is talking to but that’s in the context of consensual sexting, not “hey how are you here’s my penis by the way”

  9. I’ve been asked for dick picks on Reddit r4r dating, and I reply with the following offer: I’ll send a dick pic or a face pic but not both – since on r4r there’s a lot of scammers and some might be hoping to blackmail.

    In my experience, and with my dick, sending the requested pic is 50-50. Sometimes it seals the deal, sometimes I never hear back again. I pull my waistband open, look down, and say “ya can’t please everyone little buddy, remember that”

  10. I never ask for nudes and i’ll never send any either. Once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever!

  11. Heard too many stories of dudes sending junk pics, only to be blackmailed. “Send me $500 or I send it to your mom on facebook.”

  12. I asked my current boyfriend for some a few weeks after meeting and before we had sex, because I felt like I would be less nervous for when we did finally get physical. It’s the only time I ever did that, though, and I don’t know why I felt that way with him and not others.

    Edit: I know this was for the men but I wanted to chime in. Sue me 🤣

  13. I have been asked quite a few times to see it in the past, but naturally as you get older it fades out. People tend to just wanna see it in person.

  14. If I like a guy and if we’re sleeping together. And if I’m sending something risqué I do expect the same. But if it’s out of their comfort level that’s absolutely okay.

  15. Honestly gotta ask yourself … do I work in a profession that if this would get leaked I’d be in major trouble.

    When I get asked for them I turn it into a joke and say I only like to disappoint in real life.

    Hasn’t let me down yet!

  16. Today I learn, the people who receive these pics are:

    1.women who make it ambiguous whether they’re a man in the post (before the edit)

  17. No, I find it weird that men do it

    But women have more choices than men, so I am guessing some men are desperate to get a woman they will try anything

  18. M60. I have never been asked for nude photos.

    I have been asked to skinny dip, shower, and visit the nude beaches, hot springs and hot tubs many times. I will note that this was in the US.

    I went to a college in Europe that had a steam room, pool, hot tub and sauna. Wearing clothing into the water was discouraged. The sauna did ask us to sit on a towel and most people were nude in the sauna. As a 19 year old man, I enjoyed these facilities with my classmates, teachers, and their extended families. It was just not a big deal.

    Nudity is normal. Photos of genitals is a bit odd.

  19. Don’t send them, never been asked either. I’d say next time, send a pic of a rooster 🐓 instead.

  20. Iv been asked twice. One we matched on tinder while she was in town but only talked once she was 4 hours away. So we exchanged nudes instead then never talked again.

    The other is a much longer story but we also just exchanged nudes

    Just be sure not to ever include face or anything that connects back to you

  21. Only once I got a request for it and then some idiots in Africa tried to blackmail me with it. I told them where to put my pic into

  22. I’m an older millennial so I’m in my late thirties. I’ve never been married, and over the years I have used the Tinders/Bumbles/etc to find dates quite a bit. Ever since sending nudes become popular, my thought on dick pics has always been “I’ll send one whenever the woman I’m seeing asks for one, until then, I’m not even going to take one.” To date, despite having been on dating apps off and on over years, I’ve never once been asked.

    The way my dates and friends have talked about it when it’s come up in conversation, women effectively never want a dick pic. Any one that does want one, will ask for one. If they don’t ask, they don’t want it.

  23. I see your edit, and I think that might help you to figure this out.

    I have only been asked by one, confirmed woman, for dick pics. If a woman did ask me for one I would be very curious about why. My assumption would be one of three things:

    1. I’ve been catfished and this “woman” is actually a man. I think you’re already seeing here that some men have a ton of interest in seeing stranger’s dicks.
    2. She is a size queen and wants to see if I’m “big enough” for her. I’m doing just fine in that department, but I’m probably going to fall a little short for a true size queen, but I’d probably just go ahead and send it so we could resolve the whole thing and move on.
    3. She’s asking for it because it will excite her to see it. If it’s this one … like I’m a pretty sexual person and this, to me, would be an indicator that this is a woman I might have above average compatibility with.

    In my case, and I feel like you would have mentioned this so I doubt it applies to you, there is a fourth possibility. I have a piercing and I try to mention it at some point because I’m pretty vanilla looking otherwise and if things are heading in that direction I guess I make an attempt to prepare a person for that.

  24. If they are asking for it, they are either dudes posing as girls, cause they get off to that.

    Or if you have the same face pics across your social media, it’s probably some guy in india waiting to reverse google search and black mail you.

    Or legit just a very very horny girl.

    Take your pick.

  25. Oh that happened to my best friend a few years ago. He received a message from a “girl” online and he fell for it. Next thing he receives a message that says he needs to pay 5k or the pics will be sent to all of his family and friends. The “girl” even sent him the list of names she’d send it to (he recognizes most of the names).

    Good thing he came to me first about that situation. I told him to just block that account and keep it moving which he hesitantly did. Nothing happened and life is good.

    So yeah I’m telling the same thing, block them and keep it moving.

  26. never. dude. wtf.

    i like to do a little presentation of it. give it a grand introduction and shit. can’t do that if she’s already seen the main meat.

    if they ask i assume it’s a trap as well.

  27. As a woman I’ve never once asked for a dick pic… i have received many tho 😅😅

  28. I will not. I’ll tell you a story. A “girl” I met online sent me a vid showing her tits (unsolicited). I ask her to video and she said no that her webcam was broken. She asked me for dick pics. This was all in the span of 2 hours and I didn’t feel comfortable and she cussed me out and said she wanted a man who does what she wants. I said no and we unmatched. I should have completely blocked her but didn’t.

    Fast forward to 2 to 3 months later a dude audio calls me on the messaging app saying I needed to cash app him $300 or he would expose my pics on YouTube or whatever I messaged him back and laughed in his face as I knew what I did and didn’t do.

    Never send those things until you’ve talked a while, verified and even been out on a date or two. The world of the internet is a cesspool.

  29. I only did once and she stopped responding. Later I found out the photos were fake and from imagefap and it was most likely a man trying to get PP pics after sexting

  30. Too shady man. Women are likely getting so many unrequested penis pictures, but they’re going to ask to see yours? I just wouldn’t trust it.

  31. 99.9% of the time it’s a dude pretending to be a woman asking for dick pics. Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it prolly is. Especially online.

  32. I’m a woman who would never ask and never want a dick pic and I hate it when men send one without asking. It’s a huge turn off for me, personally.

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