
At 32 years old, I finally decided to come out from under the rock I’ve been hiding under the last decade or so and seek a future for my self. I have almost nothing to my name except some distance hopes and dreams, and one family member who keeps me from being completely destitute. In this post I wan’t to ask the lovely people of reddit if anyone has any tips for getting my life started, and which options I should look into in the near future.

**1. Start Working:**

My main issue with this first option is that after 60+ applications, no one in my communty will hire me. Most, if not all of the jobs in this area are retail / wearhousing. Or are medical positions requiring years of training and or experience. I would work if I could, but don’t see a future for me in this dead end town. Not to mention that I don’t drive, limiting my ability to branch out.

**2. Go to Community College**

There is a community college in my area, but the issue here is that I may not be able to attend in person because I don’t drive and the classes I would need to take are minimal to achieve my preferred degree (Ecology, Ornithology) later down the road.

**3. Apply for College**

One thing I am dreading is applying to colleges. Mainly because I’m 32 years old and I would almost certainly have to live on campus. Not to mention the debt I would rack up over the next four years. Though I plan to work and do everything I can to lessen that burden at every turn.

**4. Try Online Schooling**

The Field I would like to study (Ecology, Ornothology) is a very hands on outdoors career path and I feel as though many schools and or programs would not offer that major as an online course. Though if they did, I would jump at the opportunity to take some classes at home.

**5. Pursuite My Dream**

One of my chilhood dreams was always to go to university overseas. I would love to study in the UK, or France and hopefully find a job there as well. I know its a stretch, but I thought I’d include this option as a possibility anyway. I am also concidering looking for work, then after eight months to a year, taking my savings and applying for university overseas. The Appllication process and the visa proicess take time anyway. Plus having some savings helps immencly with the process of moving to europe even if I have to take loans to cover my entire education period.

**6. Room and Board Jobs**

This option is simmilar to starting work, but near to my community are a few, Room and board jobs that offer really good pay and a place to sleep and eat. These options come with an almost never ending amount of hours. And while I am a trooper and can tough out most jobs. I have never left home and the thought of working twelve hours a day, away from friends and family for a year is quite daunghting.


I want to say thank you to anyone who actually reads my post and replies. I know it can be a lot to take in all at once and many people have posted similar comments in the past. I do hope the numbered list helps. Right now I just needed to get these thoughts out of my head and figured why not seek help from a generous community. With all that out of the way, stay as happy and you can, and remember to look for peace wherever you can find it.

  1. Two questions before I can give better advice: why are you not able to get hired for basic warehouse jobs, and why don’t you drive?

  2. >
    **1. Start Working:**

    >My main issue with this first option is that after 60+ applications, no one in my communty will hire me.

    So you’ve tried this and didn’t work so far? Can you ask for feedback from any of the people who saw your applications? Very likely you didn’t present yourself how the hiring manager expected and many of them just threw out your application because they didn’t know what to make of it

    >**2. Go to Community College**

    I’d suggest this as a first step for 2-5 (for #1 too)

    It being local means you can get more help and feel more comfortable than going directly for the other options. If it’s a good community college it can help set you up for going to a bigger college or for overseas uni. If nothing else its a good way to verify that school is what you remember and that you’ll enjoy it as much as you think

    Make connections there who will be able to help you with all the further options. I’d hope that many of the classes have an online option too

    Re: #1: I know the community college nearest me seems very “skilled labor” focused. Publishes course lists which include data on expected salary and demand of that position, and have advisors who are supposed to help you get that first job in the new field (e.g. IT/HVAC/Nurse/Plumber/etc)

    >**6. Room and Board Jobs**

    This would be good experience to help you be more affable, which will help you get jobs into the future. Would help you see more of the world and get better sense about what unique skills you have to offer the market. But as you mention, has high risk of getting taken advantage of or getting into a situation where you have no good options

    You don’t include your past activities, I’d actually suggest looking there first. What skills have you learned, what skills do you have that are less common? The biggest thing a good uni will teach you is how to sell yourself and how to research things on your own, the tools to do that.

    What are things that you’re better at than most other people you meet, what are things that you’d be more excited about and feel more fulfilled than other workers when doing? If you can find something like that, it’s one of the easiest ways to be successful, albeit at the risk you come to hate that activity when off the clock

    Most of the Western economies are seeing the most growth in service industries, what is a service you could find demand for if you started providing the service? What skills do you need to provide that service reliably? (Start with classes covering those in the community college? Accounting, business, marketing?)

  3. Man you need to toughen up and take control of your life. Every one of those options you mention you pretty much already have a built in excuse in mind about why it won’t work.

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