18 F

Okay just to clear it out I’m not insecure, am not one of average looking girls thinking they’re ugly and dont have body dysmorphia ect. I’m not comfortable with sharing my photo so don’t ask for it.
I’m actually far from most people would consider average looking. If 5-6 is average I wouldn’t give myself more than 3. I have some very visible face asymmetry and nose defect (it is very crooked into one side). My face is extremely round and the proportions are wierd. I’m not fat but my body isn’t really special. I’m flat and have rectangle body shape.
People been always pointing out my ugliness,guys been asking me out as a joke ect. I never had a male even normally talking to me. What are the real chances for someone to ever like me or date me? I feel extremely lonely.

  1. I think your insecurity comes from hanging around in those *ncel spaces. The way you talk about yourself is horrible. No ones saying you have to think you’re the hottest thing ever but…lemme put it this way.

    You’re a woman. I’m gonna take it that you’re straight, yes? As in you don’t find women sexually attractive?


    >People been always pointing out my ugliness,guys been asking me out as a joke ect

    I’m sorry that happened. I’ll ask another question. Do you think every guy thinks the same way about every girl? Like if one or a few guys think a girl is hot, does that mean all guys think they’re hot?

  2. You mean average guys or top guys … Most average guys struggle to get the slightest attention, so a lot of them will be quite interested.


    Top guys .. dunno .. probably will only offer you sex, but that might be fun too?

  3. How’s your style?

    Do you wear makeup?

    Do you work out?

    Do you have friends, or are you socially isolated?

  4. Maybe not the kind of men you’d be after, but yes. You’ll have plenty of dudes after you.

  5. If you go for common interests, life goals, and attraction level you should be good

  6. Get of social media and stop following the so called beautiful people, good chance your being hard on yourself, believe me plenty would find you attractive but it starts from within,…so get yourself confident and happy then your on your way…

  7. Honestly girl life is easier. You don’t have to be hot. Just be nice, smell good or whatever else you can do… You will have no problem

  8. Hi, 25m here. Ive been through a lot of relationships and ive learned that looks are definitely a plus but personality and maturity are priority. I dont say that to be one of “those guys” either.

    A hot girl is cool and all but if she doesnt talk to you right, or treat you right, you quickly start to realize that you justify the treatment because its either someone to fuck or someone to use as a placeholder.

    The second best relationship I had the girl was a 4 maybe. To me she looked decent, and every day I fell even more and more on love with the way she looked

    And she did everything right. She teased me and bullied me in this way that was clearly a joke for giggles but it had this warm touch that made me feel loved because it projected the opposite of what she was saying. Its hard to explain but you might get it.

    Essentially, just make people feel loved. Eventually, you’ll have any random guy head over heels for you, and he would give up anything and everything to make you happy and love you.

    One small detail to think about is that there is a huge amount of what some would call horrendous looking people in relationships way WAY better then youll see almost anywhere.

    Also, a friend of mine went to some sort of AA like meeting for how to feel love and reciprocate it. The organizer for some odd reason told them all to try picking up an ugly chick/guy and be friends, and care for them deeply. Talk to them about their problems, give them advice, hang out with them, hold them when their down, sing them to soothe them, etc. just figure them out and work with makes them happy.

    My friend then got married to this girl he knew for a little bit before he decided to try and do that with her. Through all of that friendship something clicked, he connected with her, and just like a snap of the fingers everything that made her “ugly” just disappeared and he said it was like all of a sudden she became the most beautiful thing hes ever known.

    Love is so god damn confusing and weird and hits at the most unexpected time. Do not look for love in sight, but look for love in heart. If you have anyone in your life that treats you right, reciprocate those positive affirmations and gratuities. You might just find something beautiful, and so may they.

    Happy sailing. Remember to not let your physical appearance to weigh you down. Real love will find you no matter what. You might not even ever notice it and maybe when were all dead and some kind of after life will reveal us everything we missed, you’ll find maybe a few people were internally crazy for you.

    Like I said. Love is strange. Ive learned a lot even in just the past couple of years. It will find its way.

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