What is one life lesson you learned the hard way?

  1. If you eat enough Oreos, like a sleeve a day, you will end up in the hospital having an ECG.

    Lesson learned.

  2. Even if you’re broke if it smells off don’t eat it. Food poisoning will set your budget back even further than tossing that expired potato salad.

  3. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, romantic more so than platonic but both none the less.

    If your partner does something to damage your trust you have to speak up about it, or you’ll become resentful and they are likely to continue the actions that damaged it in the first place.

    Setting boundaries in your relationship is a good way to avoid damaged trust completely.

    If someone continues to do things that damage your trust in them, or break your trust completely, it’s often easiest to end the relationship than to suffer through it. Self respect goes a long way.

  4. Life can end literally anytime. You might not fully appreciate a life until its gone.

  5. Sitcoms are wrong. Persistence in romance will never work and continuing to try after you’ve been rejected isn’t admirable, it’s creepy.

    If she rejects you, leave it alone. If she is receptive but never lets you escalate, leave it alone. If she says she loves you but never shows it, leave it alone.

    Value yourself and don’t embarrass yourself chasing things that won’t happen. It will hurt but it will hurt for less time

  6. Don’t take back crazy exes. Or if you do wear a stab proof clothing.

    Got a big scar on my leg from that.

  7. If you have a feeling deep down in your gut that something is wrong, it is

  8. Just because it is against the law does in no way mean they will not do it.

  9. Don’t eat seafood for lunch and then chocolate ice cream later on before going to the county fair. Fuckin zero gravity ride got me and it was uglllly

  10. I didn’t apply for a promotion at work because I wanted to know if I’d be able to move out-of-state and still work for the company. By the time I got an answer, the job was filled.

    I think the person who got it was more qualified than me, but still: next time I won’t wait for answers before making a career move like that.

  11. Speak up when your partner does something that bothers you. That shit breeds resentment faster than you think it will when you quietly accept it.

  12. People are not what they seem. A lot of people will only be in your life temporarily and just because someone is friendly toward you doesn’t mean that they like you. That was a very hard lesson for me as someone who grew up with few friends and no dad.

  13. That money belongs to someone else before you made it or won it..

    If you risk it over and over again, guess what happens? 🙂

  14. Even if you have known someone your whole life, there’s still a chance they’ll betray you.

  15. You can’t fix someone. You can be there for them, you can help them along the way, but if they can’t or won’t fix themselves then you sure aren’t going to be able to do it for them, and you need to know when to walk away because they will drag you down with them

  16. Two people can love each other deeply and still not be right for each other.

  17. Falling in love with an unaware dismissive avoidant is truly one of life’s cruelest jokes.

    Absolutely no hate on avoidants, only empathy here!
    In the end, it’s a living hell for both sides of that equation.

  18. Make peace with your Dad (or Mom), cause once he’s gone it’ll be too late, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

  19. Women cheat effortlessly. They are capable of rationalizing it much better than men.

  20. Everybody lies, life is extremely unfair and people *will* do whatever they can to gain an advantage, there is no single scenario where it’s a fair fight “by the book”.

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