A guy I started dating from a dating app agreed to go on a second date with me. The first date went really well. We are going on the next date in a couple weeks. I noticed that on the dating app he changed it from “single, actively looking” to “single, passively browsing”. Should I be worried???? I feel like guys always do this thing of ghosting you and it drives me mad.

  1. My first thought was actually the opposite – that he liked you so much that he didn’t want to have his status say that he’s still actively looking for new people. Like because he wants to give things a real chance with you.

  2. You might be overthinking it, but also understand that most guys will always assume you’re going to ghost because it happens to them, *relentlessly*. Talking to only one person at a time is a good way to get your feelings crushed and make you bitter, which is why he might be talking to someone else as well. If he really likes you, he will stop, but he is absolutely not obligated at all to exclusively talk to you.

    On the bright side OP, at least his update changed. I would advise you to stop checking on his profile so you can get some sleep at night.

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