I’m a (f) 30 no kids, knows how to cook from scratch Mexican food, I’m not beautiful but I know I’m not ugly I’m in between. I’m on the heavy side but have a personal trainer and dropping weight every month.
I’m looking for someone mid 30s late 50s that wants a faithful wife that has only eyes for you and I would expect the same. I want to be taken care of financially, I work full time but I want the option to not work. I love the beach love love love it. I like to go out to knew places to try the food hence me having a personal trainer.
I have Beamer car 1 cat 1 dog, ducks, chickens, 1
African chicken I have a mini farm.
I know how to make jelly’s and jams from scratch, butter from scratch, bread from scratch. If I don’t know how to make something I research.
What I want from my husband and he would get the same of course is peace, loyalty, respect, my love, admiration and no games. And more. If this is you please let me know.

  1. I think you’re better off searching IRL. The odds you’ll find someone here who is not only suitable but also lives nearby are quite slim.

    As for potential options, you’re a good match for a lot of men in the age group you’re looking for. I’d just keep at it at the gym and work on enhancing yourself as a person as much as you can.

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