Guys, how do you deal with rejection?

  1. By continuing lifting heavy weights, making more money, meeting more people, and using failure as a blessing opportunity in disguise to become better.

  2. Being rejected is WAY better than never taking a risk and thinking “what would’ve happened”
    I feel good hha

  3. Feels good to go for something, even if it doesn’t work out. Better than always wondering.. that does even more harm, imo

  4. I once again acknowledge my flaws, accept myself and then move forward.

    Rejection from a match or an acquaintance is easy now if we’ve been talking for a bit ….. that tends to hurt my feelings

    Thankfully feelings are temporary.

  5. After being rejected a couple times you just get used to it and it’s not as bothersome. Plus it’s better to try and fail then to regret never trying at all

  6. I don’t, that’s most of my life’s problems- Yay for inconsistent parents

  7. If you’re asking this question, you haven’t been rejected enough. Go out and get rejected 100 times and keep going back.

    It takes 5 years of work to become an overnight success.

  8. No means no, take it and move on

    You have more important things to deal in life… Like Resident Evil 4

  9. I accept it graciously and treat it as a needed lesson. From a vantage point, I dissect the whole situation and identify shortcomings that were brought into play and work on myself to subside it. Noting down what could have been done to ameliorate the situation is a viable idea.

  10. We are taught that it’s in our nature to get rejected, so once you’ve been through alot of it, it just becomes a norm, it’s not easy or nice but it becomes a norm

  11. I ask people out before I care if they say no. Rejection only hurts if you build up to it for a while. Chat to a girl for a while, find her attractive and seem to get on = ask for her number/go for a drink.

    The dudes who are upset by it are the dudes that make their intentions unclear, speak to the girl for like 2 weeks then ask her out.

    Also gotta think of it like this “why would I want to spend time with somebody who doesn’t want to spend it with me” can you imagine anything more miserable than investing all that time and effort in a relationship with somebody that doesn’t feel the same. It’s not their fault for not being interested and they deserve no I’ll treatment for turning you down obviously it’s all personal pref (hate that I have to clarify that but you just know a couple of people are getting real angry when somebody rejects them)

  12. Move on as quickly as possible. If a girl doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, you should respect her decision. It is also very good for your own well being. There is no point in not moving on. There is no point in feeling bad. She doesn’t want you and that’s her right and it is also your right to look for someone who loves you back without wasting time.

  13. I basically make myself tired from any type of physical work. Sometimes running, sometimes hitting the punching bag, sometimes shadow boxing. As long as my body gets tired enough to keep it out of mind or use up the frustration to push my limits. I’m usually ok after the 1 day period.

    One thing I always do is, at the moment of rejection, take it with absolute confidence in a very casual way. The chances of the woman and her friends laughing at the attempt is pretty high. At no point should it appear that it bothers you because that has a possibility of aggravating the ridicule.

  14. I don’t. It’s rough. Try to find out what I did wrong and work on myself typically.

  15. Gracefully.

    “Okay, I understand. Thank you for your time, take care!”

    After years of not knowing how to do this, or being able to do this, trust me, this is the way.

  16. Rejection from romantic partners?

    Obviously it’s not what you want but you don’t control how other people will feel or change what they think about you. All you can do is your best and keep it moving. I would say that don’t thrash out like a child because who knows you might end up seeing them again in a different time and place. You may not even be interested any longer.

    Rejection from working?

    The business you want to work for isn’t for you as you are not for them. If you think that you really want to involve yourself with a business, network, ask more questions and wait for another opportunity. It sucks to get turned down when they’re is money and benefits in the table.

    As with all things it’s a part of life. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea, as people won’t be yours. The best you can do be an adult and buck up to the challenges you will face and treat yourself and everyone around you with respect and understanding.

  17. I’m like killmonger, but instead of a scar for every kill it’s a scar for every woman who has rejected me

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