I need some ideas to get revenge on my neighbours who feel the need to blast their music all day and night. I’ve tried drowning it out but it’s so loud it makes no difference. I’m getting to the end of my tether with it and the landlord refuses to do anything about it either. So please, give me some ideas that won’t get me arrested because I’m close to chucking a brick through their window.


EDIT: Approaching them is unlikely to help. They’re not very friendly, and their daily parties often lead to violence and police being called!

  1. Is it a flat? Are you much closer than their other neighbours?

    If you haven’t already, I would go and speak with them first, and just appeal to the human. Say the music is just too loud and frequent for you, and please can they reduce it. Say it plain and simple, kindly.

    Next thought is to buy a 2nd hand drum kit and teach yourself to play with great enthusiasm.

  2. Probably not the answer you’re looking for but the best way to deal with it would be to move.

  3. I’ve had to record my neighbour, keep the recordings, give them to the police and in turn obtained a court order. This stipulates he cannot make excessive noise, come near my property or harass me. If he breaks this order, he could serve prison time and be evicted.

    But I’ll tell you this, it has taken over a year, a year of absolute hell, I was on the brink of suicide. Every time your neighbour is noisy, phone the police even if they don’t attend, it’s important you keep informing them.

  4. Bother your housing association by email. Prove that they refuse to help you. Record the anti-social behaviour. Write down the times it starts, how long, how loud. Document it for two weeks/months.

    Go to citizens’ advice with it all, you said Landlord so I was hesitant but where you mention association makes me believe they HAVE to do something about it. Or use the evidence to get them asbod idk, can’t blast music in a cell.

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