Here are my personal reasons:

* I’m simply not into many of the same interests (sports, etc.) that a lot of men my age are in. I also find a lot of men (but not all of them) very intimidating and more aggressive in terms of personality and physical strength. I’m on the spectrum and I consider myself to be more gentle and I simply don’t mesh with a lot of these personality types.

* I find that women in general are less intimidating and easier to talk with and more open for conversation than men.

* Many of the boys I wanted to be friends with excluded me from their social groups when I was in elementary school/early middle school. Some of them were just downright mean. Some of them whom I thought I was friends with actually didn’t want to be friends with me.

* I’ve been making a conscious effort to learn to talk with women and form connections with them, whether I want to build a friendship with them or romantically interested in them. This led to me having more female friends than male friends.

* I tend to hang out in mostly female spaces. My major in university is about three-quarters women and the clubs I’m in are also mostly women.

* I don’t have a large father figure in my life. I have a larger mother figure, since I have naturally turned to my mother for support in the past and I still tend to do it now.

What are your reasons?

  1. I am an active parent. Most the other active parents are women.

    I don’t have more overlapping interests with the average woman I encounter than the average man.

  2. Uhhh, I actually have no idea.

    I’m not entirely sure why I have as many friends as I have in general to begin with XD

    I met a lot of people at university doing extracurriculars and, for one reason or another, they’ve stuck around 🤷‍♀️

  3. I find having female friends has helped me a lot in terms of speaking with women when it comes to dating, it’s also helped me notice things I normally never did (“what do you mean she was giving me signs” being a great example here). Two of my closest friends at the moment are both female, I’d consider one to be the closest I’ll get to having a little sister but I feel like another reason is of how I was brought up, I was lucky with my parents, my mum being very independent and my dad being pretty progressive for his generation in terms of genders meant that it wasn’t difficult for me to just be friendly with women

  4. My absolute best friend is a married woman with a kid. She just blew my phone up the other day because her and her husband decided to get two new husky puppies.

    She applied for a government job in Oregon and she used me as a reference…. had a decent talk with the man who ended up hiring her.

    Her and me met 12 years ago in the military and just instantly clicked (we’d have killed eachother if we had ever tried dating)

    I’m friends with most of the women who go to my gym…. because I’m friends with most of the people who go to my gym.

    It’s not complicated, women are humans and they don’t all want to fuck you.

  5. Women are less of a pain in the *ss than men, women don’t flirt with me when I’m drunk/high. And, women share the same type of interests, try shopping with a straight guy (it’s a pleasure).

  6. I’m very introverted, my sister is very extroverted. Most of my social life has been spent with my sister and she tends to talk to women who then become friends with one or both of us. That’s really about it.

  7. I like female friends because sometimes I like to pretend I’m gay and people think men with female friends are gay.

  8. *”Men who have lots of female friends, why is this the case?”*

    Pumpernickel bread.

  9. I’ve worked in a lot of female dominated jobs, so it’s just who I’ve been around

  10. It wasn’t by choice.

    That said, I have many male friends, and prefer having more women as friends. They’re generally more fun, better to talk with, and have their shit together more than most of the men I know.

  11. Back in high school i did, simple reason.

    I was the typical nice guy, yes man and instant friendzone guy.

    And was fat enough to be the hug/teddybear.

  12. I was raised by women so I usually get along with them pretty well. I have 5 female friends and my GF is even friends with them now.

  13. Women have always gotten along well with me. Maybe it’s my brutal honesty, a vibe I give off, or they just like having a larger dude around. I don’t really know, I’ve never put much thought towards it. The one thing I will say, is that every single one of them have told me they damn near hated me when they first met me, and after a while they couldn’t get enough. There has been virtually no deviation.

  14. I have a lot of female friends, but these friendships are not very deep. They are a broader part of my friend group
    We hang out, but mostly in grops, going out on weekends, trips.. sometines 1 on 1 ofc but not that often.
    I went to 70% female faculty therrfore I met many of them that way.

    I had one deep friendhip, and after 5 years we started fucking and decided to be in relationship afterwards. We broke up after 3,4 months lol and ruined the friendship as well

  15. Most of my friends are either women or gay men. Pretty much for the reasons you mention above. It’s gotten to the point where if my wife meets another straight couple she tells me whether or not I’d get along with the wife.

  16. I think my personality makes it easy for me to make friends with and get along with pretty much anybody, regardless of gender. But I’ve always had more female friends than guy friends and I find that I’ve usually always talked to my female friends more often than my guy friends. I like to think that I’m funny and nice/kind which will get you far with most people, but I feel like I’m more comfortable around women and they’re more open and accepting when I need to talk about things.

    My relationship with my dad growing up was a little rough but my mom was and is one of my biggest supporters so I find that talking to women, especially about emotional problems I’m going through is a lot easier. I didn’t, and still don’t, feel emotionally safe with my dad and I was yelled at and berated a lot and my mom was more nurturing and understanding. I know my dad loves me and he wants what’s best for me, but just his personality and his parenting style doesn’t mesh well with my personality and how I like to be treated so I have a lot of difficulty opening up to other men and women have allowed me the space to do that.

    And because women have allowed me the space to open up more and be myself and let them in, I in turn feel very comfortable letting women be vulnerable and open with me and letting them come to me for advice or vent or just be there for them and I think they appreciate that. I’m not the type of person that’ll tell them what they want to hear. I’m not a yes man and I will absolutely tell my female friends when they’re in the wrong. But they appreciate that I make them feel heard and understood and I don’t write them off

  17. They are less competitive and more chill with me and are better at listening and making conversation in my opinion. They are usually kinder and more empathetic as well. I have male friends too but the dynamic is usually pretty different and can get tiring after a while with them.

  18. I wouldnt say it is a majority of my friends but there are several women in my friend group and it is purely because we have a lot of the same hobbies and humor, I never felt wierd talking to women so i treat em like they are one of the boys.

  19. I used to be friends with a lot of attractive girls before I was married. I realized being friends with girls made me more desirable to other girls. They also hooked me up with a lot of their friends and acquaintances so having female friends was very beneficial when I was single.

  20. When I did martial arts. Hiking and long distance cycling. Most of my friends were men. When I was into art and crafts and going out drinking most of my friends were female.

  21. Most of the women that I am friends with, I started out trying to hook up with and they saw thru my womanizer bullshit, but found me fun, funny, and chill enough to be friends with me

  22. Because I like doing things myself and women are better to text every day. The things I like doing with other people, like trying restaurants and visiting casinos, are fun with women.

  23. Totally agree with a lot here-most men I actively disliked as young adults, the pecking order, the shitty pranks, the pointlessness of socialising. Then later working in a health setting where the majority of staff were women and men who liked working with women I found proper friendships and women who were brilliant, clever, charismatic leaders and teachers. My male friendships all came from this environment and they have sustained.

  24. My case is weird. I am fairly masculine in the way I behave, I have a lot of interests that are considered masculine. But I grew up with my mom, sister, going with a few female cousins, my school had way more girls (my class was like 70% girls) so I just feel more comfortable with women in general.

  25. I mostly have female friends because men are quite difficult to socialize and interact with them unless you are into the same things as them. Also, most guys I see from time to time always have that mean pit-bull face which are difficult to talk to and they suck at small talk. Girls on the other hand are more themselves and speak freely of anything. I have a couple of male friends, but the female ones are the closest to me.

  26. It was very helpful in growing up. I was raised by a single mom, so being friends with women tends to be easier. It helped me understand things from a different perspective.

  27. Can only speak for myself but I grew up in a household with all women and just became accustomed to their company so I guess maybe I know how to handle platonic friendships with women better than other guys I know.

    I have a lot of female friends I regularly talk to and I’ve only ever been interested in dating one of them. I hear all the time that it’s impossible for men and women to just be friends and maybe I’m just an anecdote but that’s never been true in my case.

  28. I was in Choir for almost 6 years in middle and then high school. Turns out, a lot of girls are in choir.

  29. I wouldn’t say I have a lot of female friends, but at 30 years old, I do think I have the most female friends than I ever had in my life. A lot of them are great people that I can count on.

    This was only possible once I stopped seeing every girl that was nice to me as a sexual interest. I think a lot of younger guys fall into this trap. It’s also funny how guys will completely stop talking to someone once they’ve been rejected, when in reality they could have been great platonic friends if you can both be adults about it.

  30. I had a fair number in my early 20s, but not so much as I got older, had other partners or they got partners.

    Some did help hook me up with other women so that was nice. So don’t be afraid to ask if they know anyone you’d be a good match for.

  31. For me I happened to make one during my university days and she introduced me to her friend circle and I got along with all of them and it slowly increased from that. Although now I barely keep up with anyone except for my closest two friends who happen to be guys.

  32. I try to be friends with humans wherever possible, and about half of them turn out to be female.

  33. I grew up with sisters and had a lot of cousin’s that were girls and their moms were also around a lot. My dad worked a FIFO job so was only around about half the time. So I guess I just got comfortable and used to talking with women from a young age.

    But I also like to have long conversations and I only have one or two male friends who like the same. Not a huge sports person but I love to bake and cook and my female friends and I connect on that as well.

    My girlfriend likes that I have a lot of female friends, a lot of her male friends in the past were “friends” with the hope of sleeping with her one day and I think she’s become slightly jaded because of it. So she’s glad that women in my life have a male friend that is interested in the friendship and not interested in more.

    What really grinds me is when men say that men can’t be “just friends” with women. That gives me strong rapey vibes, as if you can’t coexist with the opposite gender without trying to have sex with them. But I digress.

  34. i have both a lot of women and men as friends.

    1.0 you get to know a bunch of women already in relationships.

    2.0 you don’t actively pursue every woman you ever meet.

    3.0 i like having friends to hang out with. as long as we mesh i’m going to straight up put you in friend territory unless you actively push for more.

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