So literally just had sex for about an hour ago with this rando from tinder. It was decent, no foreplay for me (I just had got off work so nah) but lots for him, lots of pounding and I hope I didn’t bust his eardrums. My canal is kinda small unfortunately so it felt like someone was ripping me apart and it hurt in the doggy style position but cowgirl and missionary was heaven minus the dick slips and the fucking queefing lol. But despite the saucy details, I felt euphoric then felt like crying afterwards like breaking down in full tears and crying into a pillow like I’m going through a breakup or something. I held it in but cause I didn’t want to seem crazy as we started getting our clothes on. I still feel sad what the hell is wrong with me?

  1. I think after a period of abstinence that it could be expected there could be some unexpected emotional effects driven be hormonal responses. Youre just fine

  2. I definitely cry from euphoria from sex regularly with my husband. I just tell him it’s a compliment, he’s cool with it lol

  3. This is pretty normal for a lot of people and can come out of nowhere. Sex triggers a hormone release which can cause an emotional release, nothing to be embarrassed about.

  4. A lot of women experience this and post about it here. They cry out of joy. I love people who are more expressive. I wish I and past GF’s were so sensitive as this. You didn’t use to be this way, but now you are. I would celebrate it. Just let partners know beforehand.

  5. I don’t think it’s abnormal. After I broke up with an ex, I was seeing/sleeping with a guy for a couple months and then it ended. I got back with my ex again and cried every time we had sex for like 3 months. I think it’s an emotional/hormonal release. Your mind and body are working on syncing up again

  6. It’s normal but it’s not. You’re a woman so sleeping with randoms is fun but sucks at the same time. Women love connection after and someone there to hold on to. You will eventually get over it but it’s a thing which us men do not have. You guys crave attention and someone being attentive to you after. Call me crazy but it’s a dna 🧬 thing look it up. Also just sleeping around you take on whatever spiritual bull crap that person has. If you believe in that stuff. That just my opinion.

  7. My wife does this sometimes. I was really worried at first when it started but it’s apparently pretty common. She always describes it as a good kind of release and just an overwhelming of emotion. Idk man, Oxytocin is a hell of a drug.

  8. sex is more than physical , it’s emotional, energies are shared and mingled , when people cum they kinda reset their minds and energies , you had a lot bottled up it seems

    that pounding got your feelings an outlet to simply let go, feel and understand there’s nothing wrong, let the feelings pass , whatever it moved, let it go!

  9. I think next time foreplay and aftercare could’ve made the situation better,there’s nothing wrong with you at all!

  10. Sometimes that sexual euphoria seems to balance itself out by crashing you down with equal intensity immediately after… it literally is a chemical/hormonal thing. It happened a lot when me and my ex had especially amazing sex, I would just get completely emotionally overwhelmed and honestly sob during and after.

    Also just the other night I hooked up with a first tinder date and while it wasn’t the best sex ever, it was still really good and long-lasting and he was REALLY sweet and attentive the whole time we were together. I was fine and happy all the next day, and then at night I was talking to my friend about it and was just suddenly crying so hard and didn’t know why. I think I just didn’t realize how much I needed the experience of having sex with a guy that I’m not in love with and still having him just be really nice and caring towards me, and it was such a bittersweet and sad yet relieved feeling. Again just overwhelming in that moment.

    So long story short, it happens, its okay to be sad and not know why, or sad and happy at the same time. Sometimes the human mind/body just needs to cry to clear some shit out.

  11. Funny enough my gf of 3 years had a similar experience. We met off tinder and she came over and we talked/hung out for 6 hours. Later we hooked up and she started crying after. Happy tears. Also haden’t had sex in over a year. Nothing’s too abnormal about your experience.

    Don’t be surprised if it happens the next few times as well, my gf did like the next 10-20 times.

  12. The yoni can hold a lot of emotional trauma! When you feel it, let it come out girl! Your body is releasing, show up for it & support it by not stuffing it down. As soon as feels safe, cry cry cry! Even better, allow your body to shake if it feels inclined. You’re doing a great job, love, you’re connected & listening to your body. Keep going. Now put your arms around yourself & give yourself a hug, say thank you.


  13. The same thing happens to me after very exciting sex, it’s chemicals in your brain, everything that comes up must come down, euphoria -> crash

  14. Well my ex girlfriend cried when she orgasmed on th last day we had sex. I also cried (as a man, i know it’s weird) after i had sex with a random woman because I missed my ex.

    There’s nothing wrong with you. I believe in the after care. You haven’t done that with this random guy.

  15. No foreplay for you because you’d just gotten off work? Huh? Are you saying you were gross so you didn’t want him going down on you? There’s other stuff you can do. Maybe then you won’t feel like your insides are being shredded if you get some foreplay in.

  16. I’ve heard it called “crymaxxing”! It’s a form of catharsis where you get in touch with some of the deeply human emotions in sex. Especially if it had been a while, you’re getting in touch with the deeply human-animal connection from sex. Sounds like you had a lot of happy and sad emotions to let out.

  17. Having sex is sharing your energy with another person if the connection isn’t there it always feels wrong after.. get to know the guy a bit more next time. And don’t rush into it. And say “can we cuddle” after all thats the least you deserve after.

    Stay safe, stay positive, and don’t rush sex

  18. That sounds like some pent up emotional baggage finally getting shuffled out. Sometimes it happens to folks. Other such things have been known to happen on occasion when in physical therapy or even when getting a massage or reiki treatment. Sometimes there’s a flush of necessary emotional dispersal from unresolved issues or things we’ve forgotten about or even didn’t react to in the past causing us to cry later on. Even after sex. And due to sex being intimate that release is often Very healthy.

  19. Maybe casual unpersonal sex isnt for you? You express after sex you felt sad, perhaps you are missing the aftersex cuddle stuff that one would have after making love vs having casual sex.

  20. Rando from Tinder, you gave me pleasure and pain
    The pounding and slipping, I’ll try to explain
    The mission and cowgirl, heavenly bliss
    But doggy I didn’t find a single kiss

    Queefing and ripping, I felt like I’d die
    My sadness followed after, like a wave in the sky
    My emotions boiling like a flaming hot sea
    I held back my tears, not wanting to seem crazy

    But why did I cry, after a night of fun
    The sadness inside me, was a heavy ton
    My heart felt broken and my spirit was low
    What was wrong with me, I’ll never know.

  21. Sexless also 2 years – and had everything but the penetration with a man I’ve had a crush on for two years a week or so ago; and the encounter lasted 9 hours of naked and swimming and making out, hands, he slept over, and it was major.

    I didn’t feel like crying immediately after – but the high was absolute euphoria during and days afterwards.

    Those feel good chemicals dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, adrenaline flowing. If you bottled it up it was better than drugs.

    It took days for the chemicals to crash. *And oh they crashed,* and I was definitely weepy off and on for a few days when they crashed.

    It’s totally normal OP.

    The sad and the tears is the chemicals dropping and remembering how good the closeness and the kissing and the sex feels and I know I do NOT want to go 2 years without this *ever again* (praying not to).

    Sex, kissing, cuddling literally does a body good. It’s a shame some of us go so long without it.

  22. Don’t feel bad, it’s normal. Sometimes the euphoria and sensory overload of the whole act of sex, the pleasure from it and the sudden intimacy with a stranger can cause quite a chemical cocktail in your brain and tears are a natural and common reaction to that.

    Likewise, after the sex is over, those hormones in your brain that just shot up during sex are now coming crashing down, leaving you feeling sad and hollow which can feel so intense that you want to soothe yourself by crying and releasing the tension.

    Basically, there is nothing wrong with you and you are a healthy, feeling person. The reaction doesn’t mean that you are easily attached or “crazy” or anything like that, what’s much more likely is that the experience just overloaded your brain with the sex hormones and since it had been long since you last had sex, it felt particularly intense hence the physical and emotional reaction.

    I once started crying while having sex with my regular hookup – it felt so good I started having an orgasm, farted, came, apologised and immediately started crying because it all just felt like so much. 😂 I felt like a total idiot for the silly reaction, but it was all good, no harm done.

  23. I always feel sad after hookups. Sex is so euphoric to me, I will always feel down after it, if it’s not with a partner.

    Maybe you are like me.

  24. Maybe because it was some rando from tinder and meaningless sex is way way overrated

  25. Happens with me. Mostly when I masturbate, it’s a feeling of emptiness and being lonely and I also feel self hatred.
    This is because I feel alone and not loved by anyone romantically.

  26. It’s biology. After you get intense pleasure, coming down feels terrible. It’s like drinking feels good but it sucks after that.
    At least that’s what I learned in my biology class.

  27. I felt the same after breaking my long time w/o sex (years).
    It happens, its an emotional release for many girls.don’t feel weird or bad.
    I’m so happy you had a wonderful experience though.

    There are some here saying “but she felt sad”. So for clarity: I had a 2 year break from sex once, and was with my ex after we became a partner/relationship. Sex with him the first time also left me in tears and feeling a bit confused if I was feeling sad or happy. We were together for 6 years after that. Never cried again.

    Then I went 9 years w/o sex after our breakup. It wasn’t deliberate-it just happened. dating wasnt going well and I was working alot. I broke that streak with a dear friend who was kind enough to grant me it when asked. I also cried then too (after he left). I do recognize I was both feeling the “down” effects after having the hormone high of having sex/enjoying it, and also feeling “lonely” since I knew it was a one time thing and I realized I was missing the touches/love/kissing/connection from someone you knew would be there day and in and day out.

    **So what im saying is: It could be both. Its normal for both feelings. Both the hormone “come down” off the high, and feelings of “i wish I could feel more touch/connection/had this all the time in a relationship”.**

    Either way it normal. it really is.

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