Heyyy guys

So the other night while I was sleeping I woke up to what felt like the very end of an orgasm. I don’t remember having a particularly sexual dream or anything of the sort, either. Have any other women experienced this? Don’t get me wrong, it was a great surprise. But I just haven’t heard of a woman waking up to one or experiencing one during sleep.

X, Bunniiii

  1. I have these all the time! I will start orgasming in my dream…and it will wake me up and I’ll still be experiencing it for a few seconds after waking. It’s amazing

  2. Happens to me often. I sleep on my stomach. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

  3. I usually wake up on the verge of orgasm after a particularly good dream but then I’m left hanging! I call it being cock-blocked by consciousness

  4. My wife has had and continues to have them fairly regularly. Always with sexual dreams. She usually wakes with the orgasm beginning, though.

  5. This has happened to me a few times, don’t remember the dreams when it does!

  6. Yes this happens all the time to women. Probably more than men but because women are so embarrassed to speak about this or don’t even know what they’re experiencing, it’s hardly talked about. But yes, this is how I first experienced my first few hundred orgasms at the age of 7-8.. Would go on having them up until 20s early 30s and randomly through out. But since I’ve been really masturbating and having endless orgasms on end lol, I hardly have those dreams anymore but I still do have so much sexual dreams…😉

  7. Lol that’s crazy, just had that the other night for the first time. After that it happened again twice

  8. Typically for me, this happens when I havent gotten off in a while. The silver lining of not get any? I’ll take it.

    My dreams definitely don’t have to be sexual. Once I dreamt I put in a tampon and that was enough to make me orgasm and wake up. Hilarious and weird but again, I’ll take it.

  9. I think I’ve had something similar. It used to happen back then. I honestly miss it. It would happen more so when I would sleep on my stomach. And wake up with the friction felt nice.

  10. Boyfriend here. My girlfriend is and has always been a light sleeper. Except every now and then, either from exhaustion from work or from not sleeping enough. She knocks out. And every single time, she’ll wake up with a stretch in bed, looking beyond refreshed, and will then get annoyed realizing she’s wet. She always asked me if she moaned or if anything was caught between her legs. Anything to imply some kind of friction. But nothing. I think for her, it’s just a sign of having slept good. Cause it never happens any other time…except occasionally when we make dinner and she smells food. That’s also triggers something for some reason

  11. I orgasm in my dreams quite often. Always a very sexual dream. Best feeling ever.

  12. I’ve never heard of this before! I only ever wake up with anger and sadness never an orgasam haha

  13. Yes, I’m sometimes awakened from a sound sleep by them. My Fitbit says I’m in REM sleep, but the dreams are not usually sex related as I can best recall. Those times when I have sexy dreams, it is especially intense and might repeat several times over what seems to be a long period. On occasion I use a cannabis tincture to help me sleep, there seems to be a link between that and sleep orgasms. I have low cannabis tolerance and it definitely hits me in a good spot even when I’m fully awake.

  14. It could be that you may not remember, but your body did it to itself while you slept

  15. I have orgasms in my sleep sometimes and they often wake me up. It’s nice! But usually it means I need to get laid, my body’s alarm that I need some d!

  16. Yes! Super weird. I’ve been on antidepressants and have been unable to orgasm by myself. However I do still have an orgasm in my sleep somehow.

  17. Yes! Happens every now and then and I love it when it does! I consider it a woman’s version of a wet dream!

  18. Yes this happens to me every few months and I can never recall what I was dreaming about. It happened to me A LOT when I was pregnant.

  19. All the time! I sleep with a sciatica pillow between my legs so I blame that sometimes.

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