Which traits do you frown upon that you observe from other men?

  1. Too many to list easily. Hypermasculinity to a fault, blatant sexism/racism, man child behaviors and overall refusal to be responsible for their own life.

  2. Being passive, not taking calculated risks, and unwilling to try new things. They let fear control their lives smh.

    Forgot to add not being ambitious! With how women are earing more money now in 2023. A lot of dudes are going to be fucked in the future. They aren’t economically attractive to ladies that make money. It’s already a problem now and will continue to grow. Income == Hunting skills from back in the day. Women didn’t respect men who couldn’t hunt, and now they don’t really respect men who they can out hunt. For the most part…..some guy’s can get away with it……but 80% will be screwed.

  3. Letting a woman dictate every single second of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying never let a woman take control at all, but my god, man, have some balls and speak up if you don’t want to do something.

  4. I work with a couple guys who are in their late 30s and still deeply invested in video games, anime, comic books, and toys. Don’t get me wrong – they’re not hurting anyone. But something about it is so, so sad to me.

  5. Men who call themselves “alphas” or have any reference of an animal when describing themselves.

    And on the flip side….

    Men who act like children and want to be “taken care of”

    Being a real man takes self awareness, flexibility, and grace

  6. Throwing other men under the bus to gain the favor of women.

    Spiteful, gatekeeping, the pissing contests ,and other petty bs in communities related to hobbies, interests, etc.

    I mean the worst stuff is already a given.

    The wankbait type questions.

    The perpetual emotional intelligence of a teenager.

  7. Sexism, self-deluding dumbfuckery, anti-intellectualism, tate fanboyism, thinking it’s somehow good that they can’t cook even the most basic of meals, etc.

  8. Launching into anger at the slightest provocation. Guys who think that might is right.

  9. This new trend that being weak and emasculated is good thing. Sorry, but men who walk around with blue hair, arms thiner than pencils, wearing skinny jeans, a rainbow t-shirt, and cry at Starbucks because they had to work more than 6 hours in one day make me sick. This thing of championing men who legitimately have anxiety attacks because they need to lift a heavy box, drive a nail into a wall, or mow the lawn is nothing to celebrate.

  10. Why so much judgement? I don’t hang around certain types of people but I don’t frown on anyone. It takes all kinds to make a world.

  11. 1) talking over other people  

    – don’t be a dick

    2) allowing someone to talk over you  

    – stand up for yourself

  12. Being overly reliant or up to date on their slang. I feel like I’m getting a curated version of you rather than an honest one and it sounds juvenile.

  13. Arrogance.

    Victim mentality.

    Obsession with image and how they are perceived by others.

    Making a point of using buzzwords.


    In their 30s or older and still doing crap they should’ve given up by their mid-20s.

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