For the past few years I only texted my friends -we rarely get to see each other- on their bday and on Christmas and tried to be talkative those days since I didn’t get in touch the rest of the year.

I’ve been trying to change that into being able to text them just because instead of needing an excuse like wishing a happy birthday, the thing is I feel like maybe I do it too often even tho I rarely text even 2 months in a row or I start overthinking stuff like maybe I’m bothering them or that they could think I only text em out of mere convenience -precisely bc I almost never text and now I just show up in their chats randomly-(?

So, how often is it normal to text friends just because?? Also, how much time should last a chat?

  1. There’s no right or wrong answer. Text them daily or text them bimonthly, it rlly differs depending on the relationship. Just go with whatever feels right

  2. There’s no fixed rule on how often you should text your friends just because, as it largely depends on your relationship with each friend and their individual preferences. However, in general, a good way to approach this is to keep the frequency of your texts reasonable and respectful of their time and priorities.

    You can start by texting them once a week or every two weeks, and gradually increase the frequency if they respond positively and seem happy to chat with you. You can also vary the content of your messages, such as asking them about their day, sharing a funny meme, or sending them a link to an article or a song you think they might like.

    If you’re worried about bothering your friends, you can simply ask them directly how often they would like to stay in touch and what their preferred communication style is. This can help you tailor your approach to each friend and avoid any miscommunications or misunderstandings.

    Remember that maintaining friendships requires effort and communication from both parties, so don’t be afraid to reach out and show your friends that you care about them. And if for any reason they don’t seem receptive to your texts or don’t respond, try not to take it personally and respect their boundaries.

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