Hi. So, I [22f] think I’m falling in love with my friend [22f], but don’t know what to do. I have never been good when it comes to relationships and dating; often I develop crushes on people when they are just being friendly. This was mainly with guys I went to school with, however I’ve never felt this way about a girl before.

We talk everyday via text and most days FaceTime. We have had many deep conversations about our pasts, our futures, and the present. She makes me feel very safe and comfortable whenever we talk or hangout.

It is safe to say we have a very strong relationship and I am worried I am misreading everything about it. Yet, every time I see her name pop up on my phone, I get butterflies in my stomach and a smile creeps on my face. She knows how to fluster me, just like I know how to fluster her. We have gotten each other gifts within a few weeks of becoming friends and buy each other food anytime we hang out. We’ve been friends for almost a year, but I feel a strong connection towards her. I feel like I am overreacting to the situation. Do I tell her how I feel?

1 comment
  1. If you feel this strongly about her, you should do it! Even if she doesn’t reciprocate, it’s even worse to keep these kinds of feelings bottled up to fester.

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