What made you decide to move out of your previous home/town?

  1. I was getting in too many fights with my sisters and I just wasn’t happy or thriving so I moved out solo to my own apartment and I love it!

  2. I actually just moved out of Florida after having accidentally lived there for 11 years. Initially I moved there with my ex boyfriend but I never wanted to stay long term. I went through a career change there and ended up meeting (and marrying) my now husband, and we were talking about leaving the state at the end of this year when our lease ended. Ultimately my old manager/toxic workplace is what made me leave six months ahead of schedule but I don’t like the climate (political or weather) nor do I like the shit pay in FL. I got a 33% raise even factoring in taxes and such just by leaving the state.

  3. My previous town was Seattle, and a combination of familial obligation and fear of a stalker made me leave.

  4. Previous city was Los Angeles, I had to come back east for family. I miss it 🙁

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