According to you , What is a gentleman?

  1. Someone who treats everyone around them with respect and courtesy, regardless of gender, race, or socio economic status, without expecting something in return.

  2. Someone who treats all people with respect, regardless of their status or position in society. Someone who is polite, someone with strong morals.

  3. Someone who treats everyone politely and with good manners. Someone who dresses well, who has knowledge of basic world events and cultures. Who is secure enough in his masculinity to buy tampons and in himself to be comfortable in most situations.

  4. A man of character who is adamant about respecting the traditional rules of etiquettes, regardless of who you are or how you act.

  5. My personal definition is a man that holds himself to a moral code and isn’t afraid to live by it or adjust it when he finds that he’s wrong/introduced to new information. He treats others with respect regardless of their social standing judges people based on their actions/intentions. Not a doormat but doesn’t yell to get his point across or when he’s angry.

    I imagine poise when I think of a gentleman or gentlewoman. Sound judgement, compassion and integrity. But…i’m just riffing.

  6. A man who is polite, considerate, nicely dressed, engaging and most of all treats people with respect.

  7. A man who is respectful, kind, caring, polite, honest, tactful, and courteous to others.

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