so there’s this co-worker, like the first impression she gave me made me instantly not like her because she was already complaining (like at least wait a few weeks to complain, like you just started) since then I just tolerated her.

anyways…she’s super touchy like she hugs me and touches me, one time she slapped my butt and I told her don’t do that again and like a week later she did.

another situation…she asked me if I needed help and I told her “no, don’t worry about it.” and then she proceed to help and I told her to “stop helping” and then she slapped me on the back of my head twice and I told her not to do that and she told me to “shut up”…from then on I stopped acknowledging her. like if she talks to me I’m not going to be rude and ignore but I won’t make the first move.

am I being petty for not acknowledging her?

  1. No, you are being passive aggressive whereas you need to go full aggressive.

    Drop a mail to HR stating what happened or write a mail to her (if you think HR is too much) stating what behaviour of her causes you issues, document date and time when you asked her to stop and when she did it again. Don’t include any stuff where she could say she was helping you in work as they will just take that one point and push everything else under carpet while painting you as villian. Try to include what is verifiable.

    Mail at the earliest, as she might beat you to the punch and say you are harassing her or something.

    Document it all.

    Edit: Don’t include any opinions if you could, just state what happened objectively.

  2. Unsolicited help grinds my gear too especially when you already explained yourself so I think you are ok.

  3. This is called “sexism” n needs to be reported as such. It’s a federal crime. Touching some one repeatedly, especially in off limits areas is sexual harassment n needs to be reported as such. Asap

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