Men of Reddit: What was so special about this woman who managed to keep you on the hook for a significant time?

  1. She immediately accepted who I was, and didn’t consider me some kind of project that needed to be worked om. She showed me that she wanted to be my partner in life She is always kind. She tells me what she thinks instead of expecting me to read my mind.

    Oh, and she looks fantastic naked.

  2. She was a short, fiery ginger who liked camping, hiking, fishing, could tie a rope bridge, knew how to use a compass, could id 10 different oaks, and for some completely unknown reason actually liked hanging it with me.

    I never did date her. She’s married now, and so am I.

    I still think about her alot, and we still keep in touch.

  3. Low drama. Not materialistic. Loyal. Works as hard as me. No nagging. Daily sex. Educated. Great tits.

  4. my interests were pretty diverse already (books, music, movies, politics) which is how we met. During my time with her, she knew things I had never known or experienced. she introduced me to so much more. It helped that she was gorgeous to begin with.

  5. Best piece of love advice I ever heard was:

    “We don’t love people because of how we feel about them. We love them for how they make us feel about ourselves.”

    A woman keeps a man “on the hook” by making him feel good about himself.

  6. She actually accepted me and who I am and she’s just nice to me all the time. Always there for me

  7. I’m embarrassed to say, I was obsessed with a girl for about 3 years, mostly because she had enormous tits.

  8. She seemed a lot like me. I have a fine ability of reading people predicting their actions, she seemed unpredictable. She treated me well, at least for the she was interested.

  9. Idk if you mean this positively or negatively but for the positive aspects my current gf got me because she literally it. Like I do feel like a priority for her like a legit priority.

    In a negative aspect I remember my very 1st gf it was just a mix of being insecure and thinking I’ll never get another 1, the 1st bit of pussy I ever had, and lastly me not knowing how to handle a girl at that young age

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