When you continue to blame all people of a certain culture as responsible and complicit for the injustice you are currently experiencing..
you are definitely risking alienating the allies of that culture who are striving alongside you in unity to bring about social change.
I feel very strongly about this… Not only are you at risk of losing my loyalty and commitment to your cause … Actually,You are actively pushing potential allies of my culture away by continuing to participate these strategies….
We need to realize we’re in this together and strive together in unity to bring about social justice change. I have been on board for so long and I have supported your cause for so long But now I am sooo tired of this .And I am definitely 💯 pushing back against being labeled. By attaching a label to me for having a certain skin colour… you are actually practicing the same behaviour towards me that you accusing people of my culture for participating in

1 comment
  1. It seems like you’re expressing your concern about a situation where certain individuals are blaming an entire culture for the injustices they are experiencing. You believe that this approach risks alienating allies from that culture who are actively working alongside them to bring about social change. You feel strongly about this because you perceive it as unfair and counterproductive to label individuals based on their skin color, which is something you believe the accusers are doing.

    It’s important to foster unity and collaboration when striving for social justice. Blaming an entire culture for the actions of some individuals can create division and hinder progress. Recognizing that people from different cultures can be allies in the fight against injustice is crucial for building a stronger, more inclusive movement.

    It’s understandable that you may feel exhausted and frustrated with the current situation. It’s important to have open and respectful conversations about these issues, emphasizing the importance of unity and avoiding broad generalizations. By engaging in dialogue and seeking understanding, we can work towards finding common ground and achieving social justice together.

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