Hey, so I’m in high school right now and I seem to get no text messages at all. Like I literally get almost no messages from anyone a day. when I look at other people who seem to be texting people all the time I just feel so bad. My dopamine levels rise up when I get a notification on my phone but then it goes down when I realise it was from school or from duo lingo or another non-social app. I try to ignore it by listening to music or playing instruments or sport, but it’s such a gaping feeling it’s hard to ignore.

  1. It’s understandable to feel left out or lonely when it seems like everyone else is constantly texting and receiving notifications. However, it’s important to remember that social media and technology do not define your worth or value as a person.

    One thing you could try is reaching out to others yourself. Take the initiative to start a conversation with someone you haven’t talked to in a while or join a club or activity that interests you. Building new connections takes effort, but it can be rewarding in the long run.

    It’s also important to focus on activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether that’s playing instruments or participating in sports. Engaging in activities that you enjoy can boost your mood and improve your overall well-being.

    Finally, try to limit your time on social media and other apps that may be contributing to feelings of loneliness or inadequacy. Remember that people often only share the highlights of their lives on social media, and it’s important to take breaks and focus on the present moment.

  2. It’s the same for me, every time I get a notification deep down I hope it’s someone reaching out, then it turns out to be that stupid owl 😡

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