Met a guy who’s flying in just for a date. What to wear ladies (or gents) help me out !! Haha I need something that can get me through the entire day of varied activities haha it’s gonna be in the high 50’s during the day and low 50’s at night.

For context I’m 28, Dark Skinned, African Decent, 5’10 Midsize girl. (Size 12) My style personality is Ingénue. (Think Feminine, Girly, Lace, floral prints etc)but I kind of like a bit of everything.

  1. I’d say a dress with leggings and ankle/combat boots plus a nice winter coat should make you look cute and be comfortable to walk around in the weather. If you’re not into dresses, a thin sweater with stretchy pants should do the job as well.

  2. Prioritize practical>pretty if you are going to be active. I would say one step up from casual.

  3. I would go based on how the weather will be that day if warmer maybe shorts with a cute shirt and Comfy shoes , not so warm pants cute shirt still winning. Honestly it’s what you enjoy wearing and I bet you’ll look amazing ! Enjoy the day

  4. For my day long date I wore a dress that almost was at my knees and to avoid leg chafing I wore stockings with it, then some comfortable shoes, I also brought I light jacket (I live in la so its warmer)

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