What is something that belonged to women, that men took, an now women want back?

  1. Our hair bun lol.

    Hmm for me personally it was my *consent* I don’t play with that anymore

  2. Blue. Blue used to be for girls and pink was for Boys for that (strong color) a long time ago. Pink is nice but Blue is easier to get.

  3. Our autonomy, and all that that encompasses. I have found that the large niche of men who vocally deject feminism and womanism are most upset by having to view women as human beings rather than objects, and thus must treat us with the base levels of respect allotted to humans. And in regards to marriage, I have found that men who romanticize the 50’s are truly yearning for an era where women where prized for being seen and unheard, and praised for their ability to weather seasons of abuse and neglect.

    In my life, I have yet to meet a man who feverishly apposes woman’s rights AND was a safe person at the same time.

    Edit: thank you so much for the gold award and the helpful award!!!

  4. The medical and healing arts.

    When I was in college, I took a class based on the book, “Religion and the Decline of Magic.” That’s when I learned that from the beginning of humanity, medicine, healing, and birth were all in women’s realm. Women literally managed the bringing and sustaining of life. In the Middle Ages, men decided this gave women too much power–power men felt belonged to them. So, their targeted approach, supporting the rising political power of the Catholic church, was to declare healers as witches. It all went sideways from there, and even now in 2022, women are still marginalized in all aspects of how medicine and healing are managed in our world.

  5. Power. There was a time when women were considered divine because of our abilities. We need to get back to that.

  6. Along the lines of reproductive rights but midwifery! For hundreds of years women were completely in control of the birthing process and when men medicinized it in the 18th century and brought in all sorts of tools it really caused havoc on the system and women’s wants and experience were more ignored.

  7. The field of library leadership. You see tons of women librarians, but mostly men in charge of them. It’s fucked up and was not always this way.

  8. Beer production!! Women were master brewers and wore peaked black hats to signify their position. This was also around the time witch hunts began and the black hat began to be associated with witches. 👍🏻

  9. The story of human creation. In the very beginning, prehistorically, women were (logically) seen as the source of life (since they gave birth). Then, as reproduction was better understood (i.e. sperm) men began to claim themselves as the source of life, which leaked into many religious stories of how the world was created – Adam “birthing” Eve from his rib (and God in general being male), Kronos pseudo-birthing his children by vomiting them after eating them, etc.

    The book “Who Cooked the Last Supper?” dives further into this topic, and probably explains it better than I can 😂

  10. Music/bands enjoyed primarily by women and teenage girls, like The Beatles. Back in the day they were THE boyband and teenage girls were the biggest fanbase. Now every dad and granddad who ever owned a tapedeck or record player (and were probably introduced to them by their wives) likes to claim the Beatles as part of the Dad Rock collection and that women can’t be “real” fans because they don’t know who specifically wrote Octopuses Garden or whatever. STFU and let women and girls have their pop music.

  11. Decisions about women and girls in the parliament house , like who tf are you to even talk about thing that you don’t even have ? Let the women of the house decide about the rights of women in the country.

  12. The fucking credit we deserve.

    There’s a long list of women throughout history who never received credit for their art, their contributions to science, their writing, etc. It’s absolutely disgusting when I hear people talk about how grateful women should be for what men have done, but they’re absolutely ignorant of the fact that women were literally prevented from getting credit for the things they did.

  13. Sorry I’m a man, but I wanted to mention Monopoly since no one else has.

    It was created by a Woman to shows the effects of greedy capitalism, which was then stolen by a man who ironically made it successfully and profited.

  14. Professions. Look at nearly every profession and you’ll notice that those that can be replicated at home are done by women but men do them professionally OR they are the boss.
    Ex: Cooking:Women are usually the ones cooking at home. Professionally? It’s still men that dominate or are the boss.
    Taking care of people: women take care of the children and men at home. Professionally? They usually become nurses and the doctors are typically men.
    Fashion. Fashion is for women. It’s such a girl thing. And yet the most famous fashion designers are disproportionately men.
    Gardening. A woman’s hobby. Yet famous gardens were designed by men.
    Music is also seen as more feminine and yet composers and conductors are primarily men.

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