Background: You don’t live in the same country, she/he is your language exchange partner

  1. ether remember you already learned your lesson and snap out of it, or get ready to learn your lesson

  2. If we’ve never met in-person, I enjoy having a chat buddy but don’t take anything very seriously.

  3. I’m in a long distance relationship with someone across the world

    If you truly get along amazingly, endless fun, can talk forever, have discussed long term goals relationship wise/they align, you’re both willing to try then GO FOR IT MAN

    We love each other so much, our families adore the other, & all of our long term goals line up. She’s my world & decorates my life

    We’re going to move in together soon as well

    Read r/LDR when you get a chance

  4. I had that happen some time ago, but none of us where ready to commit to something, so we kind of had to lay that openly. After that I took a time away and we did reduce our interactions a lot, until the feeling was mostly gone.

  5. Long distance relationships are hard and often they need more work and effort than the normal relationship until you close the distance but if the bond is strong and the love is strong then it can be so worth it. When the relationship starts make sure they add you on all their socials and you know all their socials not that, ask them if their friends and family members knows about the relationship, set boundaries and don’t tolerate things like ghosting for days without a good solid reasons and that isn’t being controlling or creepy you’re just protecting yourself from being used and heartbroken. I had a bad experience and you can read about it in my post in Long distance subreddit. I wish you the best <3

  6. *”What do you do when you have feelings for someone you met and chatted with online?”*

    Have feelings.

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