There’s a patch of grass next to my house, probably 10x10m which I’d love to buy at some point to expand the garden (and partly to make sure someone doesn’t build a house there in 5-10 years, not sure it’s even possible but still). I’ve always thought it’s owned by the council as they maintain it, but I recently found out from my neighbours that it’s actually owned by a company that buys and sells land. I know the name of the company and all of the info one can find on Companies House, but I can’t seem to be able to find any way to get in touch to discuss a potential sale. Is there a way to do that apart from trying to find the director of said company on Facebook?

  1. I think the council wants a property built on that land for tax purposes which is probably why it was granted to a developer company.

  2. If you know the name of the company then Companies House will give you the Registered Office.

    A postal letter to the Registered Office will reach the company – that’s the point of a Registered Office.

  3. Fence it off and use it as if you own it, after a long time it’ll be yours or the company concerned will get in touch with you. It’s not trespass, it will be if you continue to occupy it after being told to “get orf moi laaand!”

  4. My parents had a similar problem with a patch of grass at the side of their house. They wanted to extend the house but needed this land to do it. The council always mowed it so they assumed they owned it.

    After searching for about 6 months they discovered it was owned by the decendent of the person who owned the development company that built the housing estate behind the house.

    When they got in contact with him, he didn’t even realise he owned the land and agreed to sell it to my parents for £1!

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