Me and this 19 year old Cuban boy have been dating long distance for 5 months. We have always kept a constant stream of conversation almost every day. There have been times when conversation is very boring, but last week the excitement for our future was peak. We sent sexy pics for the first time and spent all night video chatting for a few nights which included speaking about our future together. Well, the last few days have been a little different. I noticed a distance between us. I reminded him today that we’ll do lots of things together when we meet, he replied uncharacteristically and rather unemotionally with “What will we do?” and “I’m super bored.” So in response, I gave him some space and didn’t text him back for 6 hours. I was busy too. I text him good night and he says “Good night handsome. I’ll text you tomorrow if I have the time” (he literally does nothing all day) he deleted this and said “Speak tomorrow, Chao” instead. It just seems strange to me. Like there seems a bit of passive aggressiveness. I’m just not sure.

TL:DR.. I’ve noticed the last few days have been polar opposite to his usual hundred emojis and 12 texts in a row. How should I go about this? Should I simply bring up how I’ve noticed he’s been acting?

1 comment
  1. Definitely bring it up if it’s bothering you! There’s a whole range of possibilities, he could just be feeling a little down and it’s affecting his communication style. He could have avoidant attachment issues and you guys getting closer triggered him. Etc. Try to open up communication and see what he says. If you can’t get a straight answer from him or he says nothings wrong but then continues to be distant, it’s probably time to walk away. Good luck:)

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