I know that some of this is in my head, but I also know that not all of it’s in my head.

Sometimes when I want to be friends with someone, my eye contact is too intense, or there are too many awkward pauses as I overthink what I say. Or, worse, I say something stupid that makes things weird. I try too hard, and I get in my head. I get tense, and I’m not relaxed. As a result, they also feel weird around me and are less interested in hanging out with me.

Ironically, the people I’m most relaxed around are people who I don’t have a ton of interest in being friends with. I know that people would then say, Then stop caring so much! But that’s impossible.

1 comment
  1. I think you should take improv classes. You will learn how to have friendly conversations and how to have witty banter and just get comfortable saying silly things in front of people.

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