As a guy (22) I feel like I should hold back in order to seem more dominant. I’ve heard that most girls kinda find it a turn off when a guy is acting super horny in bed and can’t control himself, and that dominance is more desirable. Is this true?

  1. Personally I prefer it when guys get very vocal and aren’t shy about expressing their enjoyment.

  2. Don’t stifle yourself but don’t put on a performance, either. Just be enthusiastic and enjoy the experience. Many if not most mature women appreciate vocal male partners. I don’t know where you heard the stuff you heard from, but they are immature generalizations. Communicate with your partner and work together so that both of you can make the experience what it needs to be so both of you enjoy yourselves.

  3. Just be yourself. Don’t hold back because then you’ll be thinking about that instead of being in the moment.

  4. A man making noise is hotter than anything to me. It’s the quiet ones that kind are a turn off if anything. Dominant guys can make noise too. It’s not a submissive thing.

  5. No it’s not! It’s so hot when guys moan in bed! Do not hold back, moaning is a way to express pleasure, nothing to do with being submissive or dominant in my opinion.

  6. Do not hold back, many of us are auditory as fuck and adore that sound (which is one reason why hetero porn is disappointing- dudes there are often silent as stones)

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