Why do guys break up suddenly after dates were going well??

  1. * Went exclusive with another girl

    * Hit-it-and-quit-it

    * Learned something about you that was a deal-breaker

    * Got back with his ex

    * Figured out he’s gay

  2. Last guy I dated for two months “met someone and decided to pursue that.” 🙄

  3. I was recently in a similar situation. Things were going so well and we agreed to exclusively see each other. I met his family. Then boom, said he feels spread too thin, overwhelmed, and feels like he doesn’t have time for himself. He also said he wasn’t ready to support another person (I was going through a really tough time). I was so blindsided and hurt.

    Maybe emotional maturity? Trauma from past relationships?

    But honestly, does it matter why? Even if we get the answer, would it change the result? No. Breakups happen for a reason.

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