As always, this is a bit more complicated than what the title implies. A little over two weeks ago, my girlfriend and I went to lunch with one of her childhood friends (let’s call him Austin). During this, he proudly told us that he cheated on his boyfriend (strange, as I’ve only seen him a few times). As a result, my girlfriend told him that he should really tell his SO, and he said he would.

My girlfriend and I discussed this privately, and we came to the conclusion that if Austin didn’t tell his boyfriend in two weeks (my girlfriend was going on an international trip for two weeks and didn’t want this to unravel while she was away), we would tell his boyfriend.

The trip passes by, and my girlfriend has texted Austin multiple times about this, but each time Austin says that he can’t tell him now since “his boyfriend is going through a bad time”. After my girlfriend had been home for a couple days, I brought up the topic with her again. She said that she would tell Austin’s boyfriend, but wanted to tell Austin that she was going to tell him first.

She texted him, and he called her. I wasn’t part of the call, but she told me that Austin said that his boyfriend had attempted suicide a few days earlier, and so now was really not the time to give him information like this. My girlfriend asked if he’s been admitted anywhere, but he has apparently rejected treatment. My girlfriend and I are both skeptical as to whether Austin is telling the truth. However, it seems that the risk is very high here, and I’m more concerned about Austin’s boyfriend’s well-being than anything else. Any advice on how to proceed?

1 comment
  1. >My girlfriend and I are both skeptical as to whether Austin is telling the truth.

    I don’t believe him either.

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