I feel really fed up with dating in general and it’s just making me feel shitty. All these instances have been through dating apps and I feel like that might also be contributing. I had my first hook up back in April and that was fine we mutually didn’t want to talk to each other. Second girl I met the day after on tinder. We talk and I meet her a few weeks later abd We have a great time and hook up snd I’m gonna go meet her again. I say some really dumb shit the day before our second meet up and she decides that this won’t work so we stop talking. I feel like shit so I Redownload dating apps and meet another girl next day. This one is absolutely awesome we talk for two weeks decide to meet up. We hook up and she stops talking to me and tells me she doesn’t know how to feel about me and doesn’t know what she wants. I’m feeling drained and extremely depressed from the fact she won’t talk with me and I also feel shitty becuase I’m talking to a few girls right now and I know I don’t want to date any of them becuase they don’t compare to the girl I met before but I feel bad ending it with all of them and they help ease the pain of the previous girl not working. I don’t know what to do I’ve been extremely depressed recently basically going to work, coming home, sleeping and repeating.

  1. I say you need to step back from dating for a while. What a lot of us guys do when we’re good at getting girls but have no self esteem is we use the women we get to tell us how to feel better about ourselves.

    You say you don’t wanna drop these girls that you don’t want to date because you “feel bad” yet don’t feel bad about leading them on? Why are you talking to them in the first place if you’re not interested?

    This is why you feel drained. You’re spending your energy into doing things to boost your self esteem and now that it’s not working, it’s a waste of time for you.

  2. I don’t think you did anything wrong. Sometimes the one you want doesn’t want you. It’s sad but it’s also par for the course life. I’d probably take a break from dating for awhile. Tell the other women it’s nothing personal but….

    When you are ready, try again. You are capable of liking a girl and being liked. Eventually it will be the same person

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