! English is not my native language, I apologize for my poor grammar!

I’ve (F22) had a crush on my coworker (M25) since January this year. I ended my relationship with my ex of 3 years in February and realized how much of a crush I have on my coworker. At first I thought I made the crush up to ease the pain from the break up but I find myself thinking of him and the next time we’ll see each other.

I used to work full time but I started uni last year and therefore I only go to work 1-2 times per week. I always try to sit close by his desk and try to take breaks at the same time as him. We have fun conversations and playfully “bully” each other. Both of us always have a laugh and he remembers details I’ve said in previous conversations. However, I am always the on taking the initiative to be close to him (such as sitting close by). But at the same time he rarely goes to anyone else’s desk to chat either. In addition to this, another girl also has a massive crush on him (she has admitted this to another coworker). She has been glued to his side the last couple of months and probably goes up to his desk 6 times a day. They seem to get along well and I catch myself getting embarrassingly jealous. Also, I recently saw that the two of them and another couple of colleagues had a get together at her place, which made even more anxious.

Last time we spoke he told me I was funny and showed me songs that he likes to listen to. Today he also stopped at my desk (never happened before) when I had technical issues and playfully joked that he would listen to my poor English as I spoke to our support. Him and I seem to really click and hit it off whenever we talk but I’m unsure if he views me as more than a friend or not

How should I proceed?

1 comment
  1. Honestly, it seems like he is just a friendly person in general. Also, I tend to have this thing where I think more into situations since I’m crushing on that person than what the situation actually is. And btw that other girl is trying too hard at this point in my opinion inviting him over, going up to his desk and stuff. Have you ever talked about dating in general with him? Or anything personal, if he is trying to get to know you it might be because he is interested. Does he act differently with the other coworker that’s crushing on him?

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