My boyfriend is graduating and he told me recently he needs new shoes. I figured I would put aside a few hundred bucks and take him on a clothing shopping spree, and he seemed to love the idea. I’m just wondering how much would be considered appropriate but also appreciative.

I was thinking $400-$500 but not sure if that’s too much or too little. I mean shoes alone could be $100+. How much would you like to be put aside for you in a situation like this?

For reference he is early twenties and likes fashion. He also hasn’t bought a lot of new clothes recently cuz of money

  1. I just spent $500 on new clothes, which was INSANE for me. Decent stuff too. Half dozen nice shirts, couple t-shirts, few pants and shorts. That’s a solid amount IMO

  2. Depends where the shopping is taking place. Outlet stores? I can do alot with 500. 500 in the Nike store will get me like 4 things lol

  3. $500 is an extremely generous gift. That should be a few new high end garments + a pair of respectable decent shoes. I wouldn’t think that it’d be appropriate to spend more unless you/your family has quite a bit of money.

    You must really like this guy.

  4. I’ve spent more than $500 on a pair of boots and I’ve gotten a whole wardrobe worth of clothing on $500.

    So $500 is a good amount for any shopping spree

  5. I paid $1,200 for three pairs of Oxfords in 2017. (With the caveat that I take care extensive care of them) I’ve been told they look new by random family members when I go to any events with them. I wear each pair at least 2X a week.

    You could go cheaper if you’d want and get away with it, but a good pair of Oxfords will last long if you take care of them.

  6. He’s your boyfriend and you’re almost certainly going to be the one doing the actual shopping. So what you think is necessary is probably correct.

    Realistically, you’re looking at new shoes, at least a couple pairs of pants, and 5-6 shirt combinations.

    You can manage that at $400, but you can also manage to buy just that at just about any other dollar value.

    Last time I needed a new wardrobe, I gave my sister a $400 limit and we were good.

  7. Get a pair of new shoes from a retail place (if his are falling apart), then hit up the thrift shops. If you two actually like shopping and he likes fashion, the hunt will be more fun and it’ll be cheaper. Put Macklemore on in the background if you have to, but don’t blow a lot of cash on a high-end retail shopping spree just to feel good.

    If it’s office clothing you need, I had success with Men’s Wearhouse back when I first entered the office world. Prioritize slacks, jackets, and a suit. You can get ~~shits~~ shirts, socks, ties, and other accessories elsewhere. Tailoring matters the most and Men’s Wearhouse did all of that for me over ten years ago. Don’t even know if they are still a thing.

    Edit: Typo. You can get the shits in other places, but shirts are more important for this discussion.

  8. “*How much money would you like to get for a shopping spree?,”*

    All of it.

    *”My boyfriend is graduating and he told me recently he needs new shoes.”*

    Just buy him new shoes.

    He’ll be really grateful for that.

  9. Pick an amount that works for your budget and communicate that to him. Say to him that the gift is a “$500 shopping spree” and not just a “shopping spree.”

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