Ladies, what is something you had to accept even if you didn’t want to?

  1. Gray hair. I finally decided it’s time to stop colouring and let it grow out

  2. That getting your “dream body” takes time and it will most likely look different than what I’m expecting. I used to do crazy low cal diets thinking “oh in two weeks I’ll look like this or that”. Im glad I realized that the journey is slower and now more focused on healthy living

  3. I’m probably always going to have to work on aspects of myself my whole life. You never get to a place where you can say “I am fully at my best 100% all of the time, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.” I will be a constant work in progress.

  4. I can’t save everybody. It’s hard to accept especially as a teacher.

  5. My father will never forgive me for not being straight. We will never have a relationship again. He will deny that I’m his daughter, deny my children are his grandchildren, and hate me till his dying day.

  6. Just because they’re family doesn’t mean they have your best interest at heart.

    No one will prioritize you 100% of the time — you should be your #1 supporter

    The reason i used to automatically dislike other women was out of jealousy and insecurity– not because “i thought she was mean”

  7. That my terrible dad is going to be in my life for a while no matter what, because my siblings still want a relationship with him.

  8. That my kids won’t have a grandpa from my side. Not because he died but because I wish he did.

  9. If you give an inch, they will take a mile.

    Honestly, I am still struggling to accept this. Maybe because I lack self-esteem, I am always aware of how much space I am taking. But others seem to be totally violating my space.

    Hoping that people realize that they are going too far always ends with me getting hurt in silence.

    Maybe it’s my fault that I have any expectations at all.

  10. That everyone will eventually leave and that I truly, only have myself at the end of the day.

  11. Injustice. Unfortunate things will happen that aren’t necessarily deserved and you gotta just keep going forward. And some people will mistreat others and never feel bad or apologize for it.

  12. Abuse to animals is a felony where I live, to women it’s not.

    The law sees us lower than animals when it comes to protecting us. Hopefully things change but it seems to be getting worse.

  13. Love is the main thing! I accept that I may never find it. Been single a long time and never seem to attract anyone. I busy myself with work and hobbies. Hobbies also take me in the direction of guys I like but they never seem to return the feelings so I stay silent.

    I think the important thing is to keep busy and do what I enjoy in life. It keeps me happy.

    Right now I love diving and it’s my passion. I meet tonnes of divers who have gorgeous physiques; especially back muscles! I love admiring back muscles. Silly but it’s my happy place. I rock a bikini ok so I’m not ashamed to show off either. Can’t find love but get to admire back muscles… not a bad deal sometimes!

  14. That life is never fucking going to get better. Tired of getting my hopes up.

  15. That life is going to be a lot harder as a single woman, still working on accepting it though.

  16. That I might never experience romantic love. I have never had anyone love me romantically, and don’t think it will ever happen.

  17. That I’m going to get inappropriate comments from men on the internet and be in situations where I need to be vigilant. It’s wrong and it shouldn’t be that way, but because that’s how it is, I try to just live my life without thinking about it too much and do what I need to do in the moment.

  18. That I can’t out-think a lot of my issues around being single and dating. I have to take some chances and make mistakes and face a lot of fears if I want to meet someone… still working on it haha

    Also accepting that I’ve lost a lot of time to these issues and I can’t out-think that grief either

  19. I have to control myself at all times, even during the most excruciating pain. Because I will be dismissed as crazy, hysterical and/or a lying drug seeking addict immediately for showing emotion.

  20. That my body isn’t alway gonna look how it did when I was 18. I hit 20 and my metabolism absolutely plummeted and my hair started thinning. Doing what I’m doing to keep it maintained, but learning to accept that it’s probably going to continue.

  21. That I’m older than 30 and just broke up with my bf after been together for 5 years.

  22. That someone or something sadly, always falls through the cracks.

  23. No matter where you are or what you do, weird men will always approach you

  24. That my father will never love me and support me in the way that I need him to.

  25. His good qualities don’t cancel the fact that he was a shitty partner. Neither does his long-term depression which he refused to treat even when he had resources and everyone’s support.

  26. That your gut feelings are right and you have to except that those are the reality.

  27. I have to have faith in people. I’m incredibly distrustful, so accepting this is extremely hard. I have to believe people mean it when they say they care about me and don’t want to harm me. That level of trust is limited to my mother and sister, so trying to integrate someone else— like my boyfriend— was hard. At the end of the day though, I know my faith in others will grow with time. I’ve spent my entire lifetime with my mother and sister, so it’s no wonder I trust them completely.

    I believe and trust myself when it comes to treating my loved ones well and actively trying not to hurt them. I shouldn’t think I’m the only one capable of doing that.

  28. Not all girls will be for the girls… meaning there’s no mutual respect just because we’re girls

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