Those five seem to be the most polarizing members in congress, and I wonder if this makes political life in their districts equally polarizing.

How do their supporters respond to some of the most outrageous things they have done? Do they acknowledge, or argue?

Do you feel like they are taking care of their constituents, including you?

  1. I lived in MTGs district. Actually got to meet her, and voted for her.

    She definitely believes what she says, and is more intelligent than the media makes her look. She’s nice to talk to in a small group setting. I was there with my boyfriend at the time, she didn’t seem to have an issue with that as the media implies.

    When I moved there I was initially turned off by her due to the negative press coverage, but many of her supporters would talk about how direct and sincere she is, which I now agree with. Does she have a TV persona? Absolutely. But she’s not fake.

    She’s also attentive to her constituents. Attends events and rallies regularly.

    I’d say she’s extremely intelligent, and represents her district maybe not in the best of light, but does it well. People are angry up here. People are angry at the current admin and government, and they don’t like the direction the country is going. Even though MTG is a hothead, that’s kinda where the district is at. There’s a lot of problems there and frankly people would rather pour on the “y’all are a bunch a crazies” then assess how national policies are impacting the district.

  2. I don’t live in Representative Boeberts district, but several coworkers do. A veteran I work with reached out to her over a VA matter. She took the time to personally discuss his issues and work towards a solution. As crazy as she is, at least there’s a morsel of decency with her. I don’t know how many other representatives, Republican or Democrat, that would take the time to reach out to a constituent in need personally.

  3. Huh, only republicans are polarizing it seems. Weird that people keep voting for them.

  4. Interesting that you failed to include *any* of The Squad, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and others with (D) to their affiliation in your query.

  5. I’m just here for the fireworks and to see someone try to defend these charlatans

  6. Reminder that Matt Gaetz is an actual groomer and sex predator, but he wants to to think trans people are the real danger to children.

  7. Probably the same as residents in districts with Omar, Tlaib, Waters, Schiff and other similar representatives.

    You list only Republicans as if those are the only polarizing figures. Those Republicans may be disliked by a large percentage of the US, but they were voted in by their constituents.

  8. Boebert is my representative. Honestly she doesn’t come up as a topic of conversation very often, people in Denver tend to talk about her more than anyone. I would love to have someone more level headed in that office but she hasn’t negatively affected my life. She mostly just yells at people for attention and doesn’t try to legislate much

  9. As a Jewish man living in wacko representative Tlaibs district, I feel scared for my safety every day. She is supposed to represent ALL of her constituents. Instead she wants to genocide me and my family for simply existing.

  10. I don’t live in Taylor-Green’s district but I’ve been up there 10 or 15 times and it’s pretty much exactly what you’d think it is

  11. Members of congress don’t control any decisions related to how their locality is governed.

  12. i don’t live in taylor-green’s district, but i’m close enough and i have a degree in US Gov. I’m District 6, for reference.

    she runs the top left corner of the state. it’s a very large area, larger than most metro atlanta districts. they bet on rurality for zoning. however, MTG doesn’t live (or didn’t, at the time she ran. now she does post-divorce) in her district. in georgia, you can run for any house district as long as you are a citizen of the state. MTG lived in one of the most affluent communities near Sandy Springs (North Atlanta) during her run.

    she specifically ran for the poorest district in Georgia because it was unopposed and she knew she couldn’t win any other district. she just had to stand up and pedal right wing ideologies and she was shoe-in. i don’t even think she believes what she says.

    on to the point, it’s the *poorest* district in georgia. it is historically unrepresented and famously rural, as a portion of Appalachia. some members of her district do not have running water, electricity, nor access to education.

  13. I live in a district of one of the most polarizing ones before she got killed in a car wreck

  14. Massie seems like the odd one on the list. Hasn’t he been in office for quite awhile?

    I remember liking him for his firearm stances, but disliking him for some of his libertarian stances (but at least it seemed principles).

    He did something in the last year or said something that made me think he had no principles after all, but I can’t for the life of me remember what.

  15. I don’t live in any of these districts, but I do live in Andy Ogles’ district and the politics are as obnoxious as he is.

  16. I grew up in Massie’s district and lived there for 15 years.

    His district is the northern/northeastern section of the state following the Ohio river. The population is pretty evenly divided between two areas population wise, Northern Kentucky (the small peninsula you can see at the top of KY right under Cincinnati) and the rest of the district, which is very rural and extends into Appalachia.

    In NKY, it’s mostly suburbs of Cincinnati. Very much like any other suburban area outside any major city in the Midwest, more well off than most. Very conservative, the creation museum and ark encounter are located here.

    Rest of the district is more traditional “Kentucky” than NKY. Rural, pretty impoverished, people are just trying to get by.

  17. What I think the vibe everyone has is that they don’t live in the districts where these people are from but they know about it haha. My relatives are the same way with Boebert. They don’t live in her district, but say it’s exactly what you’d expect.

  18. I’m in MTGs district, I go here for school and am living and working here for the summer, but because I’m a college student I don’t vote in this district. As another commenter mentioned, the area is seriously rural and poor, especially once you get out of Rome (the biggest city in the district at 38k people). A lot of people do really like her and I do definitely see confederate flags in the Walmart parking lot every now and then. However, there are still a decent number of democrats in the area, although not enough to outnumber the Republicans. Rome still has drag bingo at a Mexican restaurant every week, and big Juneteenth and pride celebrations coming up 🙂

  19. I’m visiting boeberts district right now and honestly best part of Colorado

  20. I grew up in George Santos’s district. This area is the whitest part of Queens and had a lot of blue collar conservatives. This area is typically conservative like Staten Island but it does not feel much different from the rest of Queens.

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