Before you start buying expensive gifts for someone, buy normal gifts like a normal bracelet or a necklace and see if they will wear it in near future or not!
If they never wear it then they don’t love you since they don’t appreciate your gift.

  1. How about learning love languages first, then you will know if they even care about a gift.

  2. I have guys giving me early normal gifts that I never wore because they never fit me or suit me. They are giving me things without knowing my style and I am not going to wear them no matter how I feel about the guy. I don’t need to torture myself to show love for anyone.

  3. I’m not a jewelry person. I lose them often, and the texture of most metals makes my skin uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean when someone gives me some that I don’t love it. Even when I get my engagement ring I intend to add it to my current necklace as it’s the only jewelry I wear.

    Appreciation can’t be determined by “do they use it a bunch.” Someone can love and appreciate something and not need it constantly on.

    That doesn’t even count the people who don’t like gifts at all. Them not liking gifts doesn’t mean a lack of attraction, just that gifts aren’t part of their love language.

  4. Lol. I won’t wear ANY bracelet if I don’t like it.

    Don’t buy me bracelets. I will make my own or buy my own. And if you want to buy me one for some odd reason, ask me which one I want and I will show you

  5. Gift something with a meaning, show you understand her and know what she likes. Not some stupid meaningless jewellery you got at a local shop.

  6. If they don’t wear the jewelry, then you don’t know your friend/whatever well enough to get them jewelry they like🤦‍♀️

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