Context: I was with some friends talking at the table (I wasn’t seated), a girl out of nowhere approached me and said hi, I said hi back, we started talking, so she asked me if I wanted to go sit in another table so I was like sure, so we went to another table and stayed there for sometime talking, at some point she gave me her instagram, i told her like do I need to tell u a pickup line to get your number?, as a joke but didn’t go through so I just moved forward, she started following, I followed her back then we continued talking then in the end we said our goodbyes and today we texted a little, so I have two doubts, how should I proceed? What should I do to get a date with this girl, and since a girl approached me out of nowhere that means I’m an attractive guy?

  1. I don’t think that should be relevant to you whether or not you are attractive. it’s not an ego contest.

    What should be relevant for you is whether she finds you attractive, and I guess that’s the case.

    How to proceed? If you are interested, you could ask her out. and wait till she does the same. Personally, I much rather take control of the situation and **ask her out.**

    To be honest, it’s so rare that a girls has the balls to approach a guy that it should be rewarded LMAO
    (at least where I live).

  2. Im average but some girls seem to like me and some not, I dont think that makes me attractive or unattractive.

    Ask her if she wants to go on a walk or Café with you, dont let the opportunity sink.

  3. Ask her out , if she approaches you it’s because she’s interested in you

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