when my bf (m25) and i (f21) started dating around 3 years ago he would check out other girls and followed hundreds of porn stars and accounts of that sort on instagram. this REALLY affected my confidence just as i was starting to feel more confident in myself lol.

fast forward to present: after many discussions – it’s been almost a year since he’s stopped following those accounts and anytime a female walks by he looks in the other direction to show me he doesn’t check them out anymore.

but i constantly have the feeling that he checks out girls all the time, for example when he’s driving.

this forces me to push myself away because i’ve always struggled with my confidence but i finally started to love myself and then he started doing all this – now my confidence is down the drain. i cry A LOT about this. i hate even going out with him, i hate when he goes out because i constantly feel like he’s looking at other girls. he tells me he doesn’t look at other girls but i don’t believe him. i want a man who only has lust for me, and i don’t think that’s too much to ask for.

how do i stop this feeling.

  1. I don’t think I’m in a position to give you advice but I can say that I know these types of guys. Some of them are close friends and to be honest (and it sounds like you really know this already) he is looking at those girls. Unfortunately you’re not going to be able to change the way he thinks. However… the fact that he is taking on board the concerns you have and is willing to accommodate you is a very good sign. Don’t stop being open and honest with him. More importantly you should remember that guys are impulsive creatures. If they see an attractive woman they will look at them, some are just better at controlling this. It does not mean he doesn’t not lust for you. It does not mean he doesn’t love you. It does not mean he thinks they’re more attractive to you.

    Do not let anyone stand in the way of loving yourself. He is with YOU for a reason.

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