Is Reddit a common thing “everyone” uses? Like another big social media, akin to Instagram and YouTube? Or are redditors rather a “special” internet community?

I’m aware of narrowly themed subreddits but am asking about Reddit as a whole.

P.S: I live in a country where Reddit is very unpopular so that’s why I’m asking. And yes, I know about its popularity in English-speaking world in general, but I feel like half? of Reddit users are Americans.

  1. It’s big enough that most people have heard the name, but it’s not a default thing you expect everyone or everyone within a specific demographic to have like a lot of people will assume with say ..facebook or Instagram depending on which age demographic.

  2. I guess it’s maybe in the middle.

    I mentioned off hand to our IT dept at work that I was able to fix something because I googled “whatever the problem was + Reddit” and got detailed instructions on what to do, and they looked at me like I was crazy.

    But all my friends/family reddits. So 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Absolutely, most of the people in this subreddit are the epitome of Normie

    Hang around a while and you’ll see what I mean.

  4. Outside of one or two people, every time I’ve mentioned Reddit in a conversation, I’ve had to explain what it is as well.

  5. I would actively avoid anyone who tried to talk to me about Reddit in real life.

  6. I wouldn’t say Reddit is very mainstream and a lot of people think it’s the same as 4chan so they don’t use it because of the bad reputation it has. I would be embarrassed if anyone in my real life found out I used this site.

  7. I’d say it’s still somewhat of a nerd thing. Most of my husband’s engineer friends are on here, my friends from dance class and from the accounting team at work are not (although the accounting subs are very active)

  8. Most of the time if you mention Reddit to someone you get that look. It’s that look of confusion, but they don’t really want to ask you too much.

    The interesting thing is if you search for just about anything, there are usually links to some Reddit posts.

  9. In my group, the techies have heard of it, most people haven’t and none of us respect it or the average redditor.

  10. I don’t know anyone in real life who has a reddit or talks about having one. Most seem to have Instagram (which I don’t have). The Reddit anonymity is a lot of what appeals to me 🙃

  11. Mainstream? Kinda sorta.

    The average person on the street may have heard of this site but probably knows little about what it is. The IT departments and company tech nerds will definitely be aware of it and would probably be on here. Additionally to those that are aware, Reddit carries a bit of a negative reputation to where those that do know about it/use it may play ignorant if it is ever brought up in normal conversation. I’m definitely guilty of the latter. It’s definitely not a fringe site though, and I assume a good portion of high school and college youth know/participate here.

    No idea how that compares to Pikabu in your country. Lastly, I do believe approximately half of all Reddit users are American.

  12. More popular in younger and/or urban settings imo. I can say “I was on a X subreddit” and can pretty accurately predict who will ask “what’s a sub-read-it?” By where they live and their age.

  13. In major cities its normal and the majority of people will know what you’re talking about / use it occasionally

  14. Reddit has been “normie” since about ~2014 if I had to guess. Definitely since the Ellen Pao era of 2015. Anyone who says otherwise just hasn’t been around long enough.

  15. Definitely more popular with the younger people. But even then, judging by my social circles, it’s far less popular than Twitter. I had to explain to way too many people what it is. Something you don’t really do with other social media like Facebook or Twitter.

  16. I would put it probably a step above a star trek convention but below a decent D & D Group. So, not that normie.

  17. I don’t think it’s that commonly used. Reddit claims 25% of Americans use it, but I don’t know many people who talk about it in real life.

    I’d bet it’s less than 10% of Americans.

  18. I know some people who basically use Reddit as an alternative to Quora or Yahoo Answers. Whenever they have a question, they may search on Reddit to see if someone asked a similar question and found a solution.

    But I don’t know anyone who actively uses Reddit on a daily basis in the same way they use Instagram or TikTok for example. The only time I’ve really heard people talk about Reddit was during that whole Wall Street stocks fiasco a couple years ago.

  19. Half of reddit is Americans but we’re a very populous country. Not many people are users here and being a user here carries a certain stigma, honestly. If people even know what it is.

  20. I’m 51 and from the US – I don’t know a single other person my age who frequently uses Reddit. For some reason I love it.

  21. I would say most Americans are not familiar with Reddit. Certainly not to the level that they are with Facebook or Twitter.

  22. I heard roughly 5% of people in the US use Reddit. So no, it’s not normal.

  23. I’d say it’s normie, but a very special kind of normie. Like, it’s very common, but nowhere near Facebook. It’s more of a thing expected of young men who use the internet recreationally.

  24. Most people who have an opinion rate reddit as not much better than 4chan. YMMV

  25. Not really. More so than when I first started. As far as I can tell, the front page being basically text scares people. I hate the redesign but I imagine that’s what they’re trying to address.

  26. It’s certainly a common thing among nerdy and techie individuals in their 20s and 30s.

  27. Nobody will admit to posting on in in my network. Though some people will vaguely refer to it occasionally

  28. Reddit is considered like the weird nerd social media and honestly it’s kind of true.

  29. The majority of people don’t use any particular social media, not even close. Reddit is mainstream enough people know of it, but most of America doesn’t participate in it and it shows.

  30. I feel like it’s become more popular just as a way to search stuff. Like “how to change car oil reddit” sort of thing. Lots of people know of it but it’s more weird if you use it for scrolling as compared to insta.

  31. Not really. If I mention something I saw on Reddit or something someone said on Reddit, which I do often because I learn a lot on here and I always tell people where I get my information before I spread it, I first ask if they use Reddit (if they’re my age–if they’re older I ask them if they know what it is). Folks in my age group (20’s-30’s) know what it is but only one person I know has one.

  32. I think the only social media apps “everyone” uses are Facebook and Youtube. All the other ones are still very niche in their own way. For example, no one in any of my social circles use Instagram. And only 3 of us use Reddit.

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