I’ve been single for a year which I definitely needed since I was in a 6 year relationship beforehand. But now I’m at this point of boredom and I feel ready for a relationship. All the men i’m meeting just want sex! Or they say things like I’m not ready for a relationship. I’m starting to think I’m the problem. Any advice on single life? Or how to meet genuine people?

  1. I meet genuine people on Reddit and in public by trying to be friends first. For women it’s a lot harder than what I just explained because a woman being nice can be seen as “flirty” by the wrong guys.

    As someone in your position also pursuing a long term serious relationship, I think it’s important we remember there are plenty of people like us out there fed up with modern dating culture and sick of no commitment. And as long as people like us exist there’s a chance we meet other people like us.

    My preferred dating app is hinge as I feel it’s the most serious. You could also try cold approaching men as they’re a lot more responsive to that kind of thing than women.

  2. Get clear on what you want….crystal clear. Don’t settle and trust that the man of your dreams is getting ready to enter your life. Focus on yourself – self love. If you are meeting guys that just want sex or say they are not ready for a relationship then they are emotionally unavailable for whatever reason. This is good because it’s giving you clairity on what is going on in your energy field. Sounds like you need to see where in your energy field you are not emotionally available and work on that. Keep saying no to opportunities that don’t align with what you want. With time, things will shift through shifting yourself.

  3. Man, keep the first date short. Since you don’t know her that well, the first date should ur first interaction to check if u guys vibe or not. So dragging it for more than 30 mins is way to much. U should do what u planned for once u get to know her better which u can’t obviously in the first date. So chill, enjoy a coffee at a park or something. That’s like the highest level of commitment for the first date.

  4. Actually I think the people who just want sex are the *most genuine, since they’ll be up front*

    But also: where are you meeting them? How are you approaching them? What do you look for?

    Mind you the more confident a guy is, the more chance that he may have other options and might not want to settle down.

  5. It’s a jungle out there. You can mitigate it a bit by starting with a coffee date, and being clear what you want.

    There’s also what men you pursue. Something you’re going to have to accept, men with a lot of options have little motivation to settle down or enter into an exclusive relationship.

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