People over 30, how do you do it?

  1. The only thing special about my workout routine is that I go in the morning.

    * it makes the rest of my day feel better. Monumental difference.
    * I feel like I have more time as a trip to the gym isn’t lingering on my to-do list

    At the gym

    * 35 min on the elliptical machine
    * crunches, crunches, and more crunches on the crunch bench
    * reverse crunches on the therapy table ( I find it helpful to be able to reach my arms overhead and grab the table )
    * 3 variations of a wood chopping exercise on the cable machine
    * hip adduction machine – don’t laugh, it really helps my knees and improves my ab work!

  2. I go to the gym 2x/week. A variety of machines for core & back strength. Then ~40 minutes on a treadmill, or if my knee is hurting, bicycle. Sustained roughly 2.2x resting heartrate

  3. In the morning I take my dog on a 1.5-2 mile walk. Then I go weight lift for 45-60 minutes. In the afternoon I take the dog out again for another 1-1.5 mile walk.

  4. 5km run 2-3 times a week (usually on my lunch break at work as I WFH)

    Weights at home one evening a week

    Session at a climbing gym once a week, usually at the weekend and taking my kids too so we spend a couple of hours there climbing together

  5. I try to keep it simple

    * 30 mins of exercise at least, 5 days per week. I feel having 2 days off gives me a good mental break.
    * Rotate between aerobic and resistance training
    * For resistance training shoot for 3-5 exercises, 3-5 sets, 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes break.


  6. Athlean-X

    Highly recommend it!!

    No I’m not affiliated with the company in anyway. The program has increased my conditioning and muscle development more than anything I have ever tried.

  7. Go to the gym Mon-Thu, rest day Friday, long run Saturday morning, rest day Sunday.

  8. Just do cardio three to four times a week some weight lifting got a peloton tread and bike at home to workout during my lunch

  9. Small home gym, I run the ‘Big Man on Campus’ program but spread out over two weeks so I have a workout on Monday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday I work from the office instead of from home, and it’s a 30 minute bike ride, so that’s my cardio for the week. Saturday is for yoga, sauna and stretching.

  10. Intermittent fasting every day. Try to not eat carbs in the daytime. Iron Wolf workouts as often as I can.

    Easy to stick to, workouts are tough but rewarding too.

  11. I don’t eat or drink each day if I am over 11 stone 8. If I am over that I go for a long walk carrying a weighted backpack and then weigh myself again.

    Also badminton once a week and I was doing lot of Taekwon-Do until a couple of years ago.

    I am very fit.

    (Also vegetarian, teetotal, no drugs.)

  12. 5-6 1-hour daily workout moving big weights. BJJ three times a week (mostly two times bc I’m a big baby.

    I am the strongest and most muscular I’ve been since I was 23.

  13. Strength training 4 times a week, 30’mins swim once a week, 1 hour of football once a week, 30 mins yoga couple of evenings a week, cycle 15 miles on weekdays and look after three kids…

  14. Core work is your friend. I do planks, leg raises/toe touches, supermans, dead bugs. Will do mobility work too, like hip flexor stretches, hamstring stretch, cat/cow, etc. Can’t recommend enough for just general flexibility/mobility.

    Additionally I work in runs during the week, 3-5 miles, and I get my HIIT work done through rugby practice, 2 hours or so.

  15. 30 minutes cardio typically on the elliptical. Dumbell side laterals and variations everyday. Crunches . I mix it up on the machines trying to hit all points. Was very overweight and depressed last year so I kind of don’t have a bro split routine. Anything to be active 4 to 5 days a week and keep my mind right. It’s done wonders!

  16. I am still getting the kinks worked but I found yoga 2-3 times a week and weight lifting.

  17. I mix it up a lot each day because I don’t like any particular workout. In one week I will include elliptical, long run, hike, strength training, basketball, and tennis.

  18. I keep it simple:

    – 30 mins of cardio and weight exercise 4 times a week.
    – hiking or walking on the weekends

  19. This isn’t the best approach, but it works for me:

    Spring through fall, when the weather is reasonable outside, I lift weights in the garage 1-3x a week. I aim for 3 but realistically average 2.

    During the winter, I go through a sort of hibernation. I stop working out or being social, and just hunker down with weed and video games. I get out of shape.

    I find that giving myself a scheduled time each year to let myself go makes it much easier to stay motivated during the remainder. I burn out otherwise.

  20. I don’t have one at the moment as I work nights and sleep through out the day, but when I did have a routine I felt better and it made life easier. Since the weather is getting warmer I intend to take advantage of the hiking trails in the park with my wife and son. I have a gym close by that I intend to go to it just isn’t easy to find a time to go which is mainly an excuse.

  21. Basically nothing at this point. The pandemic has been terrible for me in this regard. Previously I was playing hockey multiple times a week and doing weights at least once. Since it started I’ve only played hockey a few times and only had a stint of about two months of doing weights.

  22. I feel like my age is catching up with me (45). I was an athlete all my life…..the bell tolls for thee I guess.

    I was 232 in July….now down to 209 (and dropping).

    Run 3 miles three times per week. Eating better. Limiting alcohol (the humanity!!!!).

    Realized I got to take things slow. Not a young man anymore. Pressing things makes everything hurt for days/weeks. Slow and steady wins the race

  23. Push/Pull/Legs 5 days a week and walking at work. Rest on Wednesday and Sunday due to dates with one of the girlfriends.

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