
  1. Met my wife online over 20 years ago. Was on a forum, we were talking about films. We talked online for over a year before meeting in person (I’m from UK, she from France), and everyone thought the internet was just full of tricksters and murderers lol everyone told me and her that we were making a huge mistake and would regret it. Married 20 years now, 2 daughters, and we’ve lasted longer than a lot of our friends who had “normal” meeting of partners.

  2. To be honest I’m single and I gave up a long time ago, if I can connect with a girl she won’t ever be available due to her having an abundance of options. And I have friends and family to keep me company so the only thing I have to gain is sex anyway

  3. Tinder, facebook (not facebook dating, facebook groups for niche interests), the gym and work.

  4. This stupid anonymous app called Whisper. I don’t even think it’s around anymore.

  5. Places I have picked up women: at the beach, at the bar, on a pier, sitting next to me on a plane (twice), in a hotel lobby/breakfast area, at a hospital, at a funeral. Current woman is hospital woman.

  6. I met my wife at a reddit bar crawl like 9 years ago. At that time, I mostly met women from reddit meetups (Dallas at the time had a really active group with hundreds of people) or I would go to a bar I liked.

  7. The story we usually tell is that she was a waitress at a restaurant just down the street from my apartment (which is true, but we didn’t meet there). We actually met on a dating app.

  8. There’s a gaming/anime lounge in NYC I use to go. I plan on going back when I have enough free time.

  9. Some mutual friends were getting married and we were in the wedding party.And I learned another lesson about impulsively 😂

  10. She slid into my DMs. Sorry that isn’t exactly helpful but it’s the truth.

  11. Me and my partner met playing Dungeons and Dragons together. Friends of friends at first then we hit it off and have been together almost a year now

  12. Me and my girlfriend have each other since we were little kids. We eventually realized we were more than just friends.

  13. Online dating. We used one of those sites that has an actual profile and is geared more towards relationships than hookups.

  14. I’m in the “I gave up” camp. I don’t like it, but the only thing more depressing than being single in your late 30s is trying to change that.

  15. I went to a church I’d never been to before to yell at someone I couldn’t get ahold of but knew they would be there. Saw my now-wife walk in across the large room and stuck around to talk with her after. She’d never been there before either, had come with a friend that invited her. I asked her out and we were a couple a week and a half later, and married a year and a half after that. Married almost 20 years now.

  16. Through friends in common. I still think that’s the best way to meet new people.

  17. Single

    I am trying online thing – it worked well for 2 months, yet nothing really clicked. Now I am just jaded about it, so it affects how I match and chat.

    I also tried to talk to people in real life (dog parks and bars mostly), but it is so difficult and I get looked at like I am some kind of creep.

  18. When I’m single, I commit to speaking with every attractive woman I see every day.

  19. Match,dot com. My profile picture was me juggling 3 plungers. Her profile said 1st thing. Do not contact me if you don’t have a Valid driver’s license, working car and a job. We’ve been together 18 years the secret is to be honest from the start.

  20. At events thrown by friends
    Every time I met a future partner, it was at any event where they saw me relaxed and hanging out with friends.

    * Best friend invited people to hang out
    * Dorm mate/friends invited me to dinner
    * A student leadership event surrounded by friends
    * Friends interested saying “This guy is in your major and has the same hobbies. You two can talk more later.”
    * At a club dancing. A friend introduced her to the group.
    * A friend threw parties
    * A hobby crafting day/bbq hosted by a mutual friend

  21. On a Saturday job in a supermarket 35 years ago. Married almost 29 years so far.

  22. I’m on Hinge but I definitely put myself out there. The local Farmers Market, the YMCA, public parks and live music events.

    But I live downtown in a big city so all those places are very available. Not the situation everywhere obviously.

  23. I met my wife 15 years ago; We were both lifeguards at an amusement park, but we have different memories of our first meeting.

    She remembered holding me from behind during a deep-end rescue drill.

    I remember hovering my hands over her chest, and putting my face to hers during CPR practice.

    We’re still not sure which one was the actual first meeting.

  24. Single currently but best advice was to go to places you would want to go to with your partner.

    If you are active start going to the park and events and even rec teams.

    If you are a bookworm start hanging out at your public library or a barnes and noble

    If you are a big pet parent go to the dog park or other dog events like training or even dog sports. Maybe even volunteer at your local shelter.

    Going to things that interest you and places you would want to spend time with a partner is a surefire way to find at least a few things in common with someone

  25. Met my GF on a dance floor. I love to go out dancing by myself, went to see a really good band. They started playing the Cuban Shuffle, saw her on the dance floor, slid in next to her, that was over 3 years ago.

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