I’ll try to write as concise as possible, so this text doesn’t bore anyone out.

For my entire life, it will sound absurd and crazy, but I have never had crushes on anyone. I know a lot of boys have crushes throughout their teenage lives, but I genuinely did not have any, until I met this girl. For context: she’s a genuine introvert, but she does talk to people in her social circle. Not just as many as people that an extrovert would. We talk quite frequently, which is good.

She has so many common interests with me; one of them is that we both are night owls. We stay up when almost all of our other friends are asleep.

Unlike other girls who incessantly posts their daily lives in social medias, she keeps her life private; so private that she would avoid situations where she has to take photos with other people. I literally have no photos of her.

We’ve beaten ender dragon together, so it was really memorable for me.

The most attractive part of her was that she taught me Python, which I have been interested in recently, and so does she (she’s superior than me in it though).

So like… like I mentioned, relationships was never my thing because I have never found anyone I was interested in (until i met her), hence I have never taken my time to think about it. One thing that I believe is that as a boy, we’ve got time… Instead of rolling in the relationship in the early age, we should improve ourselves first… yada yada yada. I don’t disagree with it, but as of now, it is currently May of 2023, and in 2024, I’ll have to go abroad, and she’s going to the other different country too (most likely). Whether she goes or not, it doesn’t matter because I’m gonna have to go to my respective country anyway. And we’ll never meet again.

Honestly, I really don’t think I’ll meet someone like her again. People be saying: “There’s more fish in the sea”, but it is such a rare circumstance that someone would interest me this much.

I’m not like other horrible kids; I don’t vape, smoke, deal drugs. I’m a typical meme-collector and just a normal dude.

I’m thinking of confessing this to her. By the time I’m in the other country and if I will not have confessed this to her, I really think I’ll regret it. But again… i can get rejected, and then I’ll probably have mental breakdowns so horrendously.

TL;DR! : Basically, I’m thinking of confessing to my crush but in a couple months, I’ll have to go abroad and so does she, so there’s still time to confess her. Clock is ticking. But should I?

So yea. What’s your opinion?

PS: I’m new to reddit, so i don’t know how reddit works, but i hope people see this.

1 comment
  1. I think you’re in a pretty common position for somebody your age. Teenage relationships are a little tricky to figure out sometimes, because the direction of your life can vary so wildly. But they can also still be very meaningful and worth it.

    The balance of deciding whether it’s worth it to ask somebody out vs the potential hurt that will be caused if you’re rejected is a difficult equation. Rejection is one of those things that can be really painful in the moment, but once you get some more experience asking people out (and sometimes getting rejected), it’s not so bad. It hurts in the moment, but eventually you internalize that you ultimately want to be with somebody who is actually into you, and the pain wears off.

    I know it feels like you’ll never meet anybody like her again, but you will. There are lots of introverts and (lovingly) nerds out there, and as you mature and expand your horizons you will have lots of opportunities to meet people who you connect with on that level. I’ve had a few times where I felt the way you do about this, and I always found somebody I connected with even more.

    Personally, I don’t see the harm in asking her out. It’s a good chance to have your first relationship be with somebody it seems like you have a good bond with, and you can get some dating experience. Maybe your future situation will change or you’ll decide to do long distance or you’ll just break up and be sad. Whatever happens, I think going out for 6 months (or however long) might be a good experience.

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