Hi, Its you self proclaimed socially anxious cozygrunt here. So Ive read that to start a conversation you can take many approaches like random comment or compliment to someone, and taking the conversation from there…

But for someone (me) who doesn’t seem to be able to move forward after that, what advice do my dear advisors have? I mean do you really need to have experiences and knowledge about and how to shift topic to topic?
On that, how to subtly reveal that I’m actually a good person to hangout with? Not proving my worth way but yaa, showing someone that I have interests in befriending someone…? Then making plans and stuff, etc

Any inputs are highly appreciated.

Thanks lovelies.

  1. I mean it helps to get closer with people who have that as a niche interest of theirs. You don’t need to be an expert at a subject. But if you have a general understanding of the concepts, it can help place you in a better light by both making you look more enthused, and also by letting you ask more sophisticated questions that really allow the person you’re talking with to flex their own expertise.

  2. Nah i dont think so… I mean its helping for conversation but of you talk about something you forst have to read about it its Not true dont be fake just Tell you dont know about this subject you will Find a way to talk about Thing you both can talk about

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