I currently am not in a great financial situation so I don’t think that I have nothing to offer to any woman since I don’t have my shit together.

  1. Yes, but that is worth getting over. Because at the end of the day, if you meet this lady, and yall hit it off good, then there’s no reason your financial capabilities should interfere. No one should let that stand in the way of that form of happiness, but I get it prides a weird thing.

  2. So are you saying that your personality is shit and you’re bad in bed … But at least someday you hope that you can tempt a woman with money?

  3. I think it’s best to be as confident as you can be before approaching someone, but as a woman a man’s money doesn’t affect my feelings in the slightest

  4. And this is why you worry about getting it together first. Just be in the process and build your confidence. Being insecure about your finances is a killer because she will sense it and you do not want to build a relationship around lies either.

  5. If you can take care of yourself and you are fine in other areas I wouldn’t let finances hold me back.

  6. No also fuck that it takes 2 people working together to make it anywhere. Having goals and stuff you want to achieve together, that’s more important.

  7. No. I met my wife when I was 48 and living with my parents in order to finish grad school. Actually I dated more in that year than any other year of my life. In NYC, where you think women would have avoided me like the plague under those circumstances. Weird.

  8. I’ve taken a break from dating. Not just because of finances and working on a career, because you can work on those things in a relationship too. But also because of insecurities that come both from myself and my trauma from a past relationship. At the end of the day, you get to decide whether you should put yourself out there and if you can be an equal partner to someone. This is also to keep yourself safe. If you date someone thinking you have nothing to offer, you will tolerate much less than you deserve. I hope that whatever you decide, you start to build up confidence and have better success.

  9. I’ll be honest with you. This is my life experience; I have prevented myself from approaching women when I *was* financially unstable.

    Unfortunately, this is something I regretted because once I became financially *successful,* I looked back and realized how many opportunities and “satisfying life moments” I missed out on.

  10. Yeah this is an issue of mine too at 23, I’m also skinny and need to start eating more and going to the gym. I used to work a travel construction job and saved like $20k but was a fucking idiot and bought a sports car that ended up having issues and I sold it for less than I bought it. The rest went into an Amazon business idea until that failed on me, then I went back to work saved up a bit but I couldn’t handle the stress from that job so I quit and moved in with my cousin and I’m focusing on a phone flipping business but it’s taking pretty much all the money I have to get it rolling.

  11. Here’s the problem…
    You already made the decision for her, you don’t have anything to offer her? Financially? Sure but maybe it’s something else she wants… how do you know? Well, you try and see what she wants. Money is easy to get, finding that special someone? That’s rare, don’t waste the chance.

    My point being, don’t decide for others, you see an opportunity? You take it. Good luck.

  12. Not all women care about money. If she can stand by you at your toughest/ lowest points then she’s a keeper. Also dates don’t have to cost anything. Going out for walks/ picnics or cooking dinner etc is much more romantic than going out somewhere fancy.

  13. Yep, this must be the reasoning for all the guys that don’t ever approach me lol

  14. Considering I’ve met a number of women here I’m Miami that straight up said they won’t even look at a man making under 100k here in Miami yea lol

  15. Having a lot of money has not made me any more confident or happy. It did make me turn away a wonderful woman who was way too hung up on the exact number, though. I told her the number but ended things immediately. I don’t know if it was high enough for her standards, but I don’t care. If she wanted to date me she should’ve been far more vocal about the things she liked about me, rather than the things I had to do to meet her expectations.

  16. As a woman, I’m fine if youre not rich but if you’re not trying to better yourself than byeeee. Just approach her!

  17. I feel like that too but I am a woman. No job and no studies. Men today don’t want to pay for everything or take care of a woman financially (and neither should they). It makes me feel very embarrassed and it’s depressing having to accept that I’ll have to be alone until I can somehow find a good paying job without having gone to college.

  18. Don’t. It’s very surprising but some women may just not care. Obviously some may but not everyone. Just don’t be so self loathing about it or constantly bring it up. Plan for dates and everything within your means.

  19. As a woman, as long as a guy isn’t expecting me to pay his bills or isn’t trying to mooch off me, I honestly don’t care.

    Men bring plenty to the table that I don’t already have in my life and would be psyched to have a man for- things that have nothing to do with money.

  20. Yeah I’m not doing too well financially and I just feel like I never will. I know not all women are gold diggers, but I do know that no woman will want to be with a man that’s struggling financially.

  21. Often. But as you grow, you discover that often women don’t care that much about money. There’s obviously some out there who do. But the majority want someone compatible. Money isn’t as high up on the list as we guys think.

  22. Yes, years back I had a nice enough date zero going, just coffee and conversation, with a nice young professional woman. In the course of that it really hit me. I just didn’t feel comfortable with my career and ability to provide, and opted to take a long break from dating. Made it as clear as possible to her this was a totally internal thing on my end. Priority was not to waste anyone’s time.

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